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Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
I really have no issues with Scott Norton and him being gay but do they have to show his "spouse" every other shot? They never give the wife of someone on the show that much airtime, never. I was to the point of turning off the show and then at the end when his partner came out of the audience and they kissed on TV, I thought that was not in very good taste for a show on Sunday afternoon that a lot of kids watch. That is going to be fun to try to explain to children in several age ranges.

I just think ESPN went a tad bit overboard with all that today.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 01:47:06 PM by jkiser01 »
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #106 on: January 02, 2013, 02:24:09 PM »
Negative. I get out enough, and actually work with neighborhood teens. They do not think it is ok to be gay.

Brad, you are missing the point totally. It is not about his choice. It is about ESPN patronizing his homo lifestyle choice during the show.

If they had shown his wusband, even them kissing, and let that be that, I would not have a problem with ESPN. Just part of the show and what the winners did and do after each match. But to say that this guy should be applauded for coming out of the freakin closet is way different---its taking a position about the morality of being gay, and also saying that it is a positive thing for gays to be open about their lifestyle.

I did not turn to the bowling show to hear this type of propaganda.

CC, do you think the way ESPN handled the show made you feel like they were trying to make you into a gay person?  Do you think ESPN had an agenda to turn as many "straight" people into gay people based on their actions?

Your disdain towards the LGBTI societies is obvious by your name calling and is unnecessary.  Just as all heterosexual people have roll models, so do homosexuals.  Role models who are successful and are not afraid to be "themselves".  By your comments, you would rather they just cower in fright and pretend to be something they are not.  How dare they be themselves.  The reason for the way ESPN handled the situation is to showcase a gay athlete other gay/lesbian athletes can look to as a role model.  A successful professional and successful athlete.  I would hope you would want the same type of role model for your kids irregardless of their sexual preference.

Exactly, and thank you for posting this. For the record, I don't know where I would be in my bowling career if it weren't for Odom and Brenham, as while everyone admired Earl, Roth, Salvino, and others, there was not much to barrack for who was not of WASP heritage. How would that make one who is in the minority feel about that sport? I can guarantee you that they wouldn't have that warm fuzzy in knowing that they could make it work, outside of drive and determination to prove everyone else wrong. That's what Brenham, Odom, and Monacelli gave minorities by going out and being the pioneers to get it done on the tour. I believe Billy Oakes made reference to that in the early-mid 2000s.

So we have a bunch of heteros making it, and that's the status quo. What about those who are LGBT? They deserve their shot as well. They deserve to be just as emotional in a win as Weber was when he passed his father at the US Open, or Jurek won his first in 15 years, or as Loschetter will be when he wins his first, or Hess or Smallwood.

Everyone thinks that it is about their way of life; it is not. I say again: It. Is. NOT. It is about the obstacles they have had to overcome, especially the fight in themselves about what is right and reconciling that fact, and how it applies to what they are doing on the lanes, in the finals and on TV. For them to come out, to themselves, say "hey, it's okay", and do what everyone else is doing and still staying true to themselves means a hell of a lot more than the complaints about "propaganda" or morality.

For those who still are grandstanding about it, I simply say "walk a mile".



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #107 on: January 02, 2013, 02:47:41 PM »
Long Gone Daddy you lost my attention when you showed us you never even saw the interview or the first match.

As for gays facing "discrimination," there is no such thing as discrimination these days....unless you're a straight white male. Companies will hire equally or lesser qualified minority, female, and gay candidate over a white male just to keep from "discriminating" or offending anyone but you don't hear any those screaming discrimination do you? Everyone is allowed to drink out of the same water fountains and ride the same seats on buses now days.

Everyone "discriminates" (in the meaning you are giving) in some way shape or form. I don't care to be around people smoking. Some people don't like to be around people who drink. Whats next? Hey let's just have an interview with a bowler who admits he smokes behind closed doors. If ESPN treated all straight and gay players truly as EQUALS there would have been no interview. Sexual orientation would have not even been mentioned.

Someone said it perfect. It's all about EXPOSURE and I feel using that interview as exposure is wrong and sent the message that "it's cool to be gay and you'll get extra attention for coming out."


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #108 on: January 02, 2013, 02:56:03 PM »
I feel using that interview as exposure is wrong and sent the message that "it's cool to be gay and you'll get extra attention for coming out."

I wouldn't say the intention was, "It's cool to be gay."  More along the lines of it's okay to be yourself in a world where others feel you are somehow inferior to them. 

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #109 on: January 02, 2013, 03:26:22 PM »
Oh, wow, there it is.  Some poor discriminated against white man is now going to tell us how poorly he has been mistreated in life.  Sir, you are a total cliche.  And I saw the whole thing so I have no idea what you're talking about because I don't see the world thru you your sad, hurt, discriminated against eyes.

What you seem to not get is the fact that ESPN does treat straight and gays exactly the same.  Holy shit, there was a five minute "story" a couple of years ago on how Sean Rash met his wife.  They followed that with the story of Bill O'Neill and his wife.  They do human interest stories on every pro about big things in their life.  Only difference this time, you can't tolerate gays and all your shields and biases went on full red alert and you saw what you wanted to see.

Just freaking admit that you're a homophobe.  It's your right as an American to admit.  Quit dancing around it and trying to justify this total line of b.s. you're trying to hand everybody here.  JUST SAY IT! You're nothing but an internet ghost on here just like the rest of us, why can't you just admit it?

Long Gone Daddy you lost my attention when you showed us you never even saw the interview or the first match.

As for gays facing "discrimination," there is no such thing as discrimination these days....unless you're a straight white male. Companies will hire equally or lesser qualified minority, female, and gay candidate over a white male just to keep from "discriminating" or offending anyone but you don't hear any those screaming discrimination do you? Everyone is allowed to drink out of the same water fountains and ride the same seats on buses now days.

Everyone "discriminates" (in the meaning you are giving) in some way shape or form. I don't care to be around people smoking. Some people don't like to be around people who drink. Whats next? Hey let's just have an interview with a bowler who admits he smokes behind closed doors. If ESPN treated all straight and gay players truly as EQUALS there would have been no interview. Sexual orientation would have not even been mentioned.

Someone said it perfect. It's all about EXPOSURE and I feel using that interview as exposure is wrong and sent the message that "it's cool to be gay and you'll get extra attention for coming out."
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #110 on: January 02, 2013, 03:30:01 PM »
Still equating being gay with being a slave or being discriminated against and treated worse than animals.  So far outside of what I can conceive as rational thinking that I can not further respond.


Can you stay on topic? Where have I said that ESPN was trying to make me anything? When did this get to be about role models? Why focus on what I think ESPN was thinking. A waste of time and exercise in futility. I know what ESPN's reporters said during the show. Let's talk about that instead.

The guy can do or be whatever he wants. I never saw him stop between frames to tell the bowling audience that he was gay or that he was coming out of the closet. Would not have expected him to do so during a bowling show. Maybe on Jerry Springer, but not on a bowling show.

In the same light, I did not expect ESPN to do it either. But to take it a step further and say he should be applauded for being gay and coming out of the closet; that's way across the line for a bowling show.

And those of you that claim to be in touch with the youth of today, no homo.

Negative. I get out enough, and actually work with neighborhood teens. They do not think it is ok to be gay.

Brad, you are missing the point totally. It is not about his choice. It is about ESPN patronizing his homo lifestyle choice during the show.

If they had shown his wusband, even them kissing, and let that be that, I would not have a problem with ESPN. Just part of the show and what the winners did and do after each match. But to say that this guy should be applauded for coming out of the freakin closet is way different---its taking a position about the morality of being gay, and also saying that it is a positive thing for gays to be open about their lifestyle.

I did not turn to the bowling show to hear this type of propaganda.

CC, do you think the way ESPN handled the show made you feel like they were trying to make you into a gay person?  Do you think ESPN had an agenda to turn as many "straight" people into gay people based on their actions?

Your disdain towards the LGBTI societies is obvious by your name calling and is unnecessary.  Just as all heterosexual people have roll models, so do homosexuals.  Role models who are successful and are not afraid to be "themselves".  By your comments, you would rather they just cower in fright and pretend to be something they are not.  How dare they be themselves.  The reason for the way ESPN handled the situation is to showcase a gay athlete other gay/lesbian athletes can look to as a role model.  A successful professional and successful athlete.  I would hope you would want the same type of role model for your kids irregardless of their sexual preference.

Exactly, and thank you for posting this. For the record, I don't know where I would be in my bowling career if it weren't for Odom and Brenham, as while everyone admired Earl, Roth, Salvino, and others, there was not much to barrack for who was not of WASP heritage. How would that make one who is in the minority feel about that sport? I can guarantee you that they wouldn't have that warm fuzzy in knowing that they could make it work, outside of drive and determination to prove everyone else wrong. That's what Brenham, Odom, and Monacelli gave minorities by going out and being the pioneers to get it done on the tour. I believe Billy Oakes made reference to that in the early-mid 2000s.

So we have a bunch of heteros making it, and that's the status quo. What about those who are LGBT? They deserve their shot as well. They deserve to be just as emotional in a win as Weber was when he passed his father at the US Open, or Jurek won his first in 15 years, or as Loschetter will be when he wins his first, or Hess or Smallwood.

Everyone thinks that it is about their way of life; it is not. I say again: It. Is. NOT. It is about the obstacles they have had to overcome, especially the fight in themselves about what is right and reconciling that fact, and how it applies to what they are doing on the lanes, in the finals and on TV. For them to come out, to themselves, say "hey, it's okay", and do what everyone else is doing and still staying true to themselves means a hell of a lot more than the complaints about "propaganda" or morality.

For those who still are grandstanding about it, I simply say "walk a mile".


Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2013, 03:53:45 PM »
What a bunch of gibberish.  I can show you story after story of kids embracing and protecting gay kids from bullies and making sure they were mainstreamed in the school community. 

That's your buddy Arone talking about discrimination, not me.  But I'll stand by what I said about gays feeling discriminated against just for being gay.  Matthew Shepherd ring a bell?  How is what happened to him any different from what happened to blacks who dared look at a white woman in the 50's?  How would you like it if you were chastised and threatened because you like to bowl?


As far as this gem?  And those of you that claim to be in touch with the youth of today, no homo.  Come back after learning how the English language goes together in a sentence.

Still equating being gay with being a slave or being discriminated against and treated worse than animals.  So far outside of what I can conceive as rational thinking that I can not further respond.


Can you stay on topic? Where have I said that ESPN was trying to make me anything? When did this get to be about role models? Why focus on what I think ESPN was thinking. A waste of time and exercise in futility. I know what ESPN's reporters said during the show. Let's talk about that instead.

The guy can do or be whatever he wants. I never saw him stop between frames to tell the bowling audience that he was gay or that he was coming out of the closet. Would not have expected him to do so during a bowling show. Maybe on Jerry Springer, but not on a bowling show.

In the same light, I did not expect ESPN to do it either. But to take it a step further and say he should be applauded for being gay and coming out of the closet; that's way across the line for a bowling show.

And those of you that claim to be in touch with the youth of today, no homo.

Negative. I get out enough, and actually work with neighborhood teens. They do not think it is ok to be gay.

Brad, you are missing the point totally. It is not about his choice. It is about ESPN patronizing his homo lifestyle choice during the show.

If they had shown his wusband, even them kissing, and let that be that, I would not have a problem with ESPN. Just part of the show and what the winners did and do after each match. But to say that this guy should be applauded for coming out of the freakin closet is way different---its taking a position about the morality of being gay, and also saying that it is a positive thing for gays to be open about their lifestyle.

I did not turn to the bowling show to hear this type of propaganda.

CC, do you think the way ESPN handled the show made you feel like they were trying to make you into a gay person?  Do you think ESPN had an agenda to turn as many "straight" people into gay people based on their actions?

Your disdain towards the LGBTI societies is obvious by your name calling and is unnecessary.  Just as all heterosexual people have roll models, so do homosexuals.  Role models who are successful and are not afraid to be "themselves".  By your comments, you would rather they just cower in fright and pretend to be something they are not.  How dare they be themselves.  The reason for the way ESPN handled the situation is to showcase a gay athlete other gay/lesbian athletes can look to as a role model.  A successful professional and successful athlete.  I would hope you would want the same type of role model for your kids irregardless of their sexual preference.

Exactly, and thank you for posting this. For the record, I don't know where I would be in my bowling career if it weren't for Odom and Brenham, as while everyone admired Earl, Roth, Salvino, and others, there was not much to barrack for who was not of WASP heritage. How would that make one who is in the minority feel about that sport? I can guarantee you that they wouldn't have that warm fuzzy in knowing that they could make it work, outside of drive and determination to prove everyone else wrong. That's what Brenham, Odom, and Monacelli gave minorities by going out and being the pioneers to get it done on the tour. I believe Billy Oakes made reference to that in the early-mid 2000s.

So we have a bunch of heteros making it, and that's the status quo. What about those who are LGBT? They deserve their shot as well. They deserve to be just as emotional in a win as Weber was when he passed his father at the US Open, or Jurek won his first in 15 years, or as Loschetter will be when he wins his first, or Hess or Smallwood.

Everyone thinks that it is about their way of life; it is not. I say again: It. Is. NOT. It is about the obstacles they have had to overcome, especially the fight in themselves about what is right and reconciling that fact, and how it applies to what they are doing on the lanes, in the finals and on TV. For them to come out, to themselves, say "hey, it's okay", and do what everyone else is doing and still staying true to themselves means a hell of a lot more than the complaints about "propaganda" or morality.

For those who still are grandstanding about it, I simply say "walk a mile".


Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2013, 03:59:56 PM »
There are some youth who have issues with homosexuality, but I think they are in the minority. The younger generations have a much better grasp on diversity than us older folks.

You can accept that...or not. It doesn't change the truth.
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #113 on: January 02, 2013, 04:18:35 PM »
Oh, wow, there it is.  Some poor discriminated against white man is now going to tell us how poorly he has been mistreated in life.  Sir, you are a total cliche.  And I saw the whole thing so I have no idea what you're talking about because I don't see the world thru you your sad, hurt, discriminated against eyes.

What you seem to not get is the fact that ESPN does treat straight and gays exactly the same.  Holy shit, there was a five minute "story" a couple of years ago on how Sean Rash met his wife.  They followed that with the story of Bill O'Neill and his wife.  They do human interest stories on every pro about big things in their life.  Only difference this time, you can't tolerate gays and all your shields and biases went on full red alert and you saw what you wanted to see.

Just freaking admit that you're a homophobe.  It's your right as an American to admit.  Quit dancing around it and trying to justify this total line of b.s. you're trying to hand everybody here.  JUST SAY IT! You're nothing but an internet ghost on here just like the rest of us, why can't you just admit it?

Long Gone Daddy you lost my attention when you showed us you never even saw the interview or the first match.

As for gays facing "discrimination," there is no such thing as discrimination these days....unless you're a straight white male. Companies will hire equally or lesser qualified minority, female, and gay candidate over a white male just to keep from "discriminating" or offending anyone but you don't hear any those screaming discrimination do you? Everyone is allowed to drink out of the same water fountains and ride the same seats on buses now days.

Everyone "discriminates" (in the meaning you are giving) in some way shape or form. I don't care to be around people smoking. Some people don't like to be around people who drink. Whats next? Hey let's just have an interview with a bowler who admits he smokes behind closed doors. If ESPN treated all straight and gay players truly as EQUALS there would have been no interview. Sexual orientation would have not even been mentioned.

Someone said it perfect. It's all about EXPOSURE and I feel using that interview as exposure is wrong and sent the message that "it's cool to be gay and you'll get extra attention for coming out."

LGD it sure is odd for a homophobe such as myself to be very close to two lesbian relatives. They want to be treated like everyone else. Making a big deal out of them coming out like ESPN did is not them being treated as equals. I don't agree with their lifestyles but that doesn't stop me from caring about them or wanting to be a part of their lives.

LGD it also sure is odd that you had no freakin clue as to what I was talking about when I mentioned bowling with Gout hmmmmm I never even got a lame excuse for that. Maybe now you have watched it, but you will never convince me you watched it before this topic started. I've already had 2 members message me telling me that you will argue with anyone who will bother paying you any attention. So, you are now being ignored.

My point was not to cry discrimination. It was to say the type "discrimination" you are referring to happens to everyone these days not just gays, minorities, females, and any others. 

Not that I want to see it but If they wanna do a 5 minute interview on how he met his spouse fine, but don't do an interview like they did trying to make him a hero for being gay and coming out. Kids won't look at "how they met" as getting rewarded for being gay and coming out like they would that interview Sunday.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 04:24:12 PM by Arone24 »

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #114 on: January 02, 2013, 04:32:04 PM »
Wow, you really are a cliche aren't you?  Now you have relatives that are gay.

You'll have to forgive me but in your meandering posting style I thought you were talking about you having gout.  Yes, cliche, I saw the whole show.  I saw Abdullah in the wheelchair and everything.

Tell you what?  Show the tape to your now coming out of the woodwork gay relatives.  Let them type their take on what ESPN showed.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #115 on: January 02, 2013, 04:45:48 PM »
Lmao. Two days and that's the best excuse you can come up with?? Wish I had a buck for everytime you typed the word "cliche"! Is That the vocabulary word of the week? How about a new word: LIFE. Maybe you should try getting one. I'm going to get back to mine before I waste anymore of it trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #116 on: January 02, 2013, 05:51:29 PM »
Still equating being gay with being a slave or being discriminated against and treated worse than animals.  So far outside of what I can conceive as rational thinking that I can not further respond.

Where did slavery come into this? You do realize that for the most, there were less times of slavery in this country than there was of free minorities being held down by Jim Crow, and even then people were still being treated as second-class citizens.

In short, YOU brought up slavery, not us. YOU brought up being treated worse than animals, not us. Those words and thoughts came out of your head, so don't you dare try pinning your irrational reasoning for those on anything I have said.

The whole point of my posts, which you completely missed the point on, was the additional struggle Norton had to go through in addition to the physical and mental game in the sport. He had to fight the demons in his head that warred with what he thought may be right or wrong in his life, as well as competing at the highest level. That is something most people (and all straight people) have never had to deal with. I brought up Odom, Monacelli, and Brenham, because they had similar struggles, in being minorities, just like Norton has in being a minority. After that, their struggles were different, but on top, each one was a minority in this sport, and now look at where we are:

Billy Oakes.
Clara Guerrero.
Sara Vargas.
Andreas Gomes.
Ildemaro Ruiz.
Fawaz Abdulla.

All because 3 guys decided to defy adversity and compete. And now that someone is coming in with a new set of adversity all his own, you slag it into something irrational, based out of your own thinking.

So you may want to re-read my post again, let alone revisit your thoughts. I'll also leave you with a homework assignment: Outside of the 3 people I have mentioned, Please name me any non-WASP who competed in the PBA or any previous entities of it between, say, 1960 and 1982.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #117 on: January 02, 2013, 05:54:56 PM »

This story has now made USA Today and they said something about it was not a big deal except for some bowlers so maybe they are reading this topic.  :)


"...and few people outside the bowling world seemed to care or notice."

« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 06:06:13 PM by MI 2 AZ »
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #118 on: January 02, 2013, 06:26:51 PM »
Priceless...Billie Jean King becomes team owner of Pete Weber's team...which coincidently also has Scott Norton on it...
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #119 on: January 02, 2013, 07:58:42 PM »
If the shoe fits, clown, if the shote fits.

Lmao. Two days and that's the best excuse you can come up with?? Wish I had a buck for everytime you typed the word "cliche"! Is That the vocabulary word of the week? How about a new word: LIFE. Maybe you should try getting one. I'm going to get back to mine before I waste anymore of it trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #120 on: January 02, 2013, 08:31:43 PM »
If the shoe fits, clown, if the shote fits.

Lmao. Two days and that's the best excuse you can come up with?? Wish I had a buck for everytime you typed the word "cliche"! Is That the vocabulary word of the week? How about a new word: LIFE. Maybe you should try getting one. I'm going to get back to mine before I waste anymore of it trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

Wait a minute! Were you not just giving advice on forming a sentence??? That last post appears to consist of a prepositional phrase, a subject, and another prepositional phrase. You seemed to have forgotten a verb. I'm sorry! HaHa This is just too much fun!