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Author Topic: Todays show: Spoiler alert..  (Read 39270 times)


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Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
I really have no issues with Scott Norton and him being gay but do they have to show his "spouse" every other shot? They never give the wife of someone on the show that much airtime, never. I was to the point of turning off the show and then at the end when his partner came out of the audience and they kissed on TV, I thought that was not in very good taste for a show on Sunday afternoon that a lot of kids watch. That is going to be fun to try to explain to children in several age ranges.

I just think ESPN went a tad bit overboard with all that today.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 01:47:06 PM by jkiser01 »
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #121 on: January 02, 2013, 08:53:47 PM »
die thread, die!!

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #122 on: January 02, 2013, 08:54:47 PM »
"Why don't you have your "two lesbian relatives" comment here instead of desperately trying to change the subject like you've been doing the last two times you've posted?  Shouldn't be hard to get a hold of them, let them watch your tape, and then have them comment on here.  Either that or just come out and say you're a homophobe.  What in the world are you afraid of?  You are what you are, don't try to hide it.  It will just cause you stress.  Admit it and set yourself free.

If the shoe fits, clown, if the shote fits.

Lmao. Two days and that's the best excuse you can come up with?? Wish I had a buck for everytime you typed the word "cliche"! Is That the vocabulary word of the week? How about a new word: LIFE. Maybe you should try getting one. I'm going to get back to mine before I waste anymore of it trying to have an intelligent conversation with you.

Wait a minute! Were you not just giving advice on forming a sentence??? That last post appears to consist of a prepositional phrase, a subject, and another prepositional phrase. You seemed to have forgotten a verb. I'm sorry! HaHa This is just too much fun!
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #123 on: January 02, 2013, 09:34:44 PM »
There's no point. You're just like any other liberal. I could tell you the sky is blue and you would argue otherwise. I'm really not posting again as ruffling your feathers has become a bore to me.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #124 on: January 03, 2013, 02:12:07 AM »
I personally was proud of the PBA/ESPN for doing this. no I am not gay but I am for 100% equality. Why is it okay for a woman and a man to kiss and not a gay couple?

You people sound like Westboro Baptist Church on here. BOWLERS HATE FAGS!!!!!

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #125 on: January 03, 2013, 07:01:25 AM »
Yeah, baby!  Pull all the stops out now!

Let's see, what other card can you play?  You've played the "poor discriminated against white man" card.  You've played the "I can't be bigoted, some of my best friends/relatives are gay".  Now you've just played your trump card of "You're a liberal".  No, I'm just a guy that loves watching and helping bigots like you paint themselves into a corner.  Well done, sir, well done.     

quote author=Arone24 link=topic=291425.msg2369496#msg2369496 date=1357184084]
There's no point. You're just like any other liberal. I could tell you the sky is blue and you would argue otherwise. I'm really not posting again as ruffling your feathers has become a bore to me.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #126 on: January 03, 2013, 09:09:42 AM »
die thread, die!!

I'm kind of surprised this thread is still going.I did see that Scott Norton was one of the headlines on MSN's sport section yesterday.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #127 on: January 03, 2013, 09:16:13 AM »
That makes two of us STC. ESPN is definitely accomplishing their goal. They are getting the exposure.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #128 on: January 04, 2013, 10:29:35 PM »
I can't believe I read the whole thread.
Arone, you are a tool. Nobody cares what you think. And that is giving you too much credit, to say that you can think. LGD read you like a book and gave you the rope. I think that you should use it to hang yourself.
Ccrider, you are an ass too. You can can go drink a few cold ones with the other bigots here and remember the old times. You know, before them fags were on the ESPN.
I am surprised that no one said why Scott cried. The win was for his friend, Tony Reyes. The TR patch wasn't some secret gay sign.
LGD, you are a class act.
If you didn't like that strike, watch this one!


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #129 on: January 05, 2013, 01:30:54 AM »
That makes two of us STC. ESPN is definitely accomplishing their goal. They are getting the exposure.

I stopped by my friends pro shop yesterday, and five people were discussing the show.So I guess if the goal was to get people talking,mission accomplished.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #130 on: January 05, 2013, 11:12:45 AM »
Teach your children that it is ok for boys to kiss, date, have sex with and marry boys. Same for girls.

I will continue to be the ass, bigoted and intolerant of these particular lifestyle choices. No homo. Have a good day.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #131 on: January 05, 2013, 01:02:15 PM »
I think I've read a couple of times now where someone has mentioned the word 'choice'.  Is it not more of a person being 'wired' to lean that way, like in DNA? 
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #132 on: January 05, 2013, 01:27:58 PM »
I think I've read a couple of times now where someone has mentioned the word 'choice'.  Is it not more of a person being 'wired' to lean that way, like in DNA? 

generally speaking, that would be correct...

Would also explain why same-sex conduct is also seen in other species...but why let science get in the way of some good ol' boy bigotry.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #133 on: January 05, 2013, 02:23:52 PM »
Exactly what other species are you referring to? Does that particular species have the ability to think and reason?  Not that having this ability seems to matter much as is evidenced by some of the responses in this thread.

Uncle Crusty

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #134 on: January 05, 2013, 03:48:31 PM »
I watched the show more or less start to finish while back home for the holidays with my parents, which is to say it was on in the background while we shot the ****. I rooted for Norton because I don't particularly care for WRW and Belmo and had never heard of the other guy.

Fast forward to the end of the match and Norton's celebration. Mom sees the kiss and casually comments, "could have gone without seeing that1". My Dad and I could have cared less about both the kiss and the fact that Mom wasn't necessarily a big fan. Why, you ask? Well, because it's a free country and we have infinitely more important things to attend to. Bottom line: My mother is not a bigot, nor does she require any soul-searching.

Who might possibly require soul-searching, however, are those of you who have totally lost your gourd over this thread and have replied roughly 250,000 times because someone else on the Internet doesn't agree 100% with you. Define "irrational".

1Author's Note: My Mother did not, at that point, load up her trunk with explosives and bomb a gay pride parade, go taunt the patrons at the local gay bar, or any other sort of thing, which I know some of you might find hard to believe. Also note that when she used to take bowling semi-seriously a decade or so ago, her coach was a local gay man who also happened to be a good friend of her and our family. Again, I know you guys crying bigotry will automatically assume I made that up, too.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #135 on: January 05, 2013, 03:55:08 PM »
I watched the show more or less start to finish while back home for the holidays with my parents, which is to say it was on in the background while we shot the ****. I rooted for Norton because I don't particularly care for WRW and Belmo and had never heard of the other guy.

Fast forward to the end of the match and Norton's celebration. Mom sees the kiss and casually comments, "could have gone without seeing that1". My Dad and I could have cared less about both the kiss and the fact that Mom wasn't necessarily a big fan. Why, you ask? Well, because it's a free country and we have infinitely more important things to attend to. Bottom line: My mother is not a bigot, nor does she require any soul-searching.

Who might possibly require soul-searching, however, are those of you who have totally lost your gourd over this thread and have replied roughly 250,000 times because someone else on the Internet doesn't agree 100% with you. Define "irrational".

1Author's Note: My Mother did not, at that point, load up her trunk with explosives and bomb a gay pride parade, go taunt the patrons at the local gay bar, or any other sort of thing, which I know some of you might find hard to believe. Also note that when she used to take bowling semi-seriously a decade or so ago, her coach was a local gay man who also happened to be a good friend of her and our family. Again, I know you guys crying bigotry will automatically assume I made that up, too.

I couldn't agree more.

The best post on this subject matter.