I watched the show more or less start to finish while back home for the holidays with my parents, which is to say it was on in the background while we shot the ****. I rooted for Norton because I don't particularly care for WRW and Belmo and had never heard of the other guy.
Fast forward to the end of the match and Norton's celebration. Mom sees the kiss and casually comments, "could have gone without seeing that1". My Dad and I could have cared less about both the kiss and the fact that Mom wasn't necessarily a big fan. Why, you ask? Well, because it's a free country and we have infinitely more important things to attend to. Bottom line: My mother is not a bigot, nor does she require any soul-searching.
Who might possibly require soul-searching, however, are those of you who have totally lost your gourd over this thread and have replied roughly 250,000 times because someone else on the Internet doesn't agree 100% with you. Define "irrational".
1Author's Note: My Mother did not, at that point, load up her trunk with explosives and bomb a gay pride parade, go taunt the patrons at the local gay bar, or any other sort of thing, which I know some of you might find hard to believe. Also note that when she used to take bowling semi-seriously a decade or so ago, her coach was a local gay man who also happened to be a good friend of her and our family. Again, I know you guys crying bigotry will automatically assume I made that up, too.