Jorge, since you claim to be "intelligent," why not give the complete and accurate definition, rather than your mis-stated watered down version: Merriam-Websters bigot- "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
You fail to realize that using your misstated watered down version of the definition, you trap yourself. Applying your standard, surely you can see how you are being "intolerant of any ideas other than your own."
Of course, intolerant is another key term that you do not have a true grasp on.
Lets look at Webster's Definition of INTOLERANT
1: unable or unwilling to endure
2a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted
Again, some of us prefer not to be subjected to what we believe is immoral gay conduct while watching a bowling show. I stated early on, I place no more value on a persons right to be gay, than I do on my right to believe that it is wrong. My right to choose what I watch on T.V. is again, my right. ESPN has a right to televise whatever they choose. I am fine with that too. Maybe they gained attention, maybe they loose watchers in the end.
We all have rights. The fact that I am not persuaded to accept your opinions, beliefs or values over my own does not make me bigoted, or intolerant. It simply means that we disagree. The only difference is, I can address the issue rationally without diverting to non-productive name calling (unless I choose to just to get a rise out of some of you whose brain short circuited simply because you do not agree with my beliefs). You seem unable to give a rational response to support the statements that you are making, or the position that you are taking.
Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k? I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue. Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?