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Author Topic: Todays show: Spoiler alert..  (Read 39267 times)


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Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
I really have no issues with Scott Norton and him being gay but do they have to show his "spouse" every other shot? They never give the wife of someone on the show that much airtime, never. I was to the point of turning off the show and then at the end when his partner came out of the audience and they kissed on TV, I thought that was not in very good taste for a show on Sunday afternoon that a lot of kids watch. That is going to be fun to try to explain to children in several age ranges.

I just think ESPN went a tad bit overboard with all that today.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 01:47:06 PM by jkiser01 »
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #136 on: January 05, 2013, 05:57:55 PM »
ccrider is one of those good ol' boys that think all gay men are there to hit on him.  He gets upset because he doesn't know how he'd react.  The fact that he might like it is what scares him the most.  My two sons have had a couple of their buddies come out to them.  I am thankful that they listened to me when I taught them to be tolerant of everything but ignorance and bigotry as nothing changed in their friendship. 
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #137 on: January 05, 2013, 07:43:00 PM »
Can we finally lock this thread after 10 pages??
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #138 on: January 06, 2013, 04:11:21 PM »
LMAO. LGD, you got jokes.

ccrider is one of those good ol' boys that think all gay men are there to hit on him.  He gets upset because he doesn't know how he'd react.  The fact that he might like it is what scares him the most.  My two sons have had a couple of their buddies come out to them.  I am thankful that they listened to me when I taught them to be tolerant of everything but ignorance and bigotry as nothing changed in their friendship. 

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #139 on: January 06, 2013, 07:30:42 PM »
I just know what makes ignorant bigots tick.  Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #140 on: January 06, 2013, 08:06:58 PM »
Can we finally lock this thread after 10 pages??



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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #141 on: January 08, 2013, 02:56:06 PM »
In reading through this thread, I find it hard to believe we are living in 2013. The attitudes of some posters on here is more like 1953. I didn't see this show, we don't get the PBA in Canada anymore, but the hatred displayed by some of you is disgraceful.  You are worried about explaining Scott's kiss with his partner to your kids, I would be more worried about how you explain your own bigotry to your kids. I find it amazing that you can actually function and be a productive part of society with these type of thoughts....well I guess West Baptist Church always needs new members.

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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #142 on: January 08, 2013, 03:10:22 PM »
ccrider is one of those good ol' boys that think all gay men are there to hit on him.  He gets upset because he doesn't know how he'd react.  The fact that he might like it is what scares him the most.

LGD, are you saying that you do speculate that ccrider MAY, in fact, have a preference for weiner and balls that he is internally in denial of?   ??? 


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #143 on: January 08, 2013, 03:12:14 PM »
Jorge, all I can say is amazing, but thank you.

You remind me of how limited (mentally) and irrational some of the responses have been in this thread.

There is a great difference between believing something is morally wrong or socially wrong, and hating. Bigotry is yet a different thing.

Yet, in the stroke of the keyboard, you easily clump them all together and treat them as one.

Tell me, if disapproving (socially or religiously) of the gay lifestyle, or objecting to being force-fed this propaganda during a bowling show is equated to being a bigot, then what does that make you? A bigot of those you consider to be bigots by your definition, or just a plain old hypocrite?


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #144 on: January 08, 2013, 03:44:14 PM »
I can't believe I read the whole thread.
Arone, you are a tool. Nobody cares what you think. And that is giving you too much credit, to say that you can think. LGD read you like a book and gave you the rope. I think that you should use it to hang yourself.
Ccrider, you are an ass too. You can can go drink a few cold ones with the other bigots here and remember the old times. You know, before them fags were on the ESPN.
I am surprised that no one said why Scott cried. The win was for his friend, Tony Reyes. The TR patch wasn't some secret gay sign.
LGD, you are a class act.

It seems that I missed all these replies.

Read me like a book? If anyone was read it was Long Gone Daddy having to go home and actually watch the telecast after I called him out for not knowing what I was talking about when I mentioned bowling with a gout inflammation. I'm done arguing with him. I'm sure he's one who voted for Obama and is now mad that his paycheck is now short $100 a pay period.

As for me being a tool: if that is your definition of recognizing special treatment when I see it, fine. That's all it is. Until you hear an interview every week on being a heterosexual in bowling, I'm sorry it's special treatment or promotion.

You people are very right. It's 2013. They have the right to kiss on TV just as I have the right to say i find it disgusting. We are all different. Gay, straight, Caucasian, African American, oriental, skinny, fat, tall, short and many other kinds of people. If it was the "equal" treatment as you say ESPN would not have made it a big deal. Show their spouse, let em hug, kiss, and cry all they want, but don't announce it in the same manner as you show Belmos televised 300 game. I understand ESPN did it to get exposure through controversy and not to promote homosexuality but that in no way makes it right.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #145 on: January 08, 2013, 04:22:47 PM »
    I didn't mention any names, but I guess you feel the shoe fits so you are wearing it by replying.
The fact that you think you were "force-fed this propaganda" says all that needs to be said. If you weren't a bigot, you wouldn't think that way. Enjoy it. It's your right to be backwards and stuck in the past. As I stated, it will be much harder for your children to understand why their Dad thinks the way he does, then about two men kissing on TV. And just for you, here is the definition of bigot: a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own. You are intolerant of seeing this on TV, feeling you are being forced to accept it. That in turn makes you a bigot, plain and simple. If you can't admit it, than it goes to show just how much of one you are. Your kids must cringe and hide when they are "forced" to go out in public with you and you display this kind of attitude.
Please show me where I am intolerant of your beliefs? I find it hard to believe that such backwards beliefs still exist in 2013, but it is your right to hold them. Just don't be surprised when intelligent people ridicule you for not evolving like the rest of mankind....maybe you are the infamous missing link?


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #146 on: January 08, 2013, 05:05:56 PM »
Jorge, since you claim to be "intelligent," why not give the complete and accurate definition, rather than your mis-stated watered down version: Merriam-Websters bigot- "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
You fail to realize that using your misstated watered down version of the definition, you trap yourself. Applying your standard, surely you can see how you are being "intolerant of any ideas other than your own."

Of course, intolerant is another key term that you do not have a true grasp on.
Lets look at Webster's Definition of INTOLERANT
1: unable or unwilling to endure
2a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted

Again, some of us prefer not to be subjected to what we believe is immoral gay conduct while watching a bowling show. I stated early on, I place no more value on a persons right to be gay, than I do on my right to believe that it is wrong. My right to choose what I watch on T.V. is again, my right. ESPN has a right to televise whatever they choose. I am fine with that too. Maybe they gained attention, maybe they loose watchers in the end.

We all have rights. The fact that I am not persuaded to accept your opinions, beliefs or values over my own does not make me bigoted, or intolerant. It simply means that we disagree. The only difference is, I can address the issue rationally without diverting to non-productive name calling (unless I choose to just to get a rise out of some of you whose brain short circuited simply because you do not agree with my beliefs). You seem unable to give a rational response to support the statements that you are making, or the position that you are taking.

Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #147 on: January 08, 2013, 06:06:15 PM »
"Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?"

I couldn't have said this better myself! Well spoken ccrider. What's next? I don't like to be in the same room with someone who is smoking. Does that make me a bigot? If I choose not to hang around people because they are crack heads does that make me a bigot?

This whole conversation is just another example of why our country is in the shape it is in. We have taken The very faith our nation was founded over out of everything including schools. We have these shootings and then Wonder where God was when it happened. We forced him out. Our kids can't pray in school but ESPN can promote the ideas it did. We have a president who refuses to solute our flag, says he wants gun control to keep anymore of our kids from being harmed yet is one of the biggest supporters of partial birth abortions in history, tells us "no tax increase for the middle class" and raises out taxes on 80% of the nation month later. Our country is stuck believing whatever the media tells us. They are telling us homosexuality is okay and is morally right. If that's the case, why can't two males or two females have a child?

Until we all take a stand for what our parents taught us and stop believing everything the media tries to shove down our throats, this country's demise will continue.


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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #148 on: January 08, 2013, 06:37:20 PM »
Jorge, since you claim to be "intelligent," why not give the complete and accurate definition, rather than your mis-stated watered down version: Merriam-Websters bigot- "a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.
You fail to realize that using your misstated watered down version of the definition, you trap yourself. Applying your standard, surely you can see how you are being "intolerant of any ideas other than your own."

Of course, intolerant is another key term that you do not have a true grasp on.
Lets look at Webster's Definition of INTOLERANT
1: unable or unwilling to endure
2a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted

Again, some of us prefer not to be subjected to what we believe is immoral gay conduct while watching a bowling show. I stated early on, I place no more value on a persons right to be gay, than I do on my right to believe that it is wrong. My right to choose what I watch on T.V. is again, my right. ESPN has a right to televise whatever they choose. I am fine with that too. Maybe they gained attention, maybe they loose watchers in the end.

We all have rights. The fact that I am not persuaded to accept your opinions, beliefs or values over my own does not make me bigoted, or intolerant. It simply means that we disagree. The only difference is, I can address the issue rationally without diverting to non-productive name calling (unless I choose to just to get a rise out of some of you whose brain short circuited simply because you do not agree with my beliefs). You seem unable to give a rational response to support the statements that you are making, or the position that you are taking.

Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?

Well done!
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #149 on: January 08, 2013, 07:58:55 PM »
"Tell me this, what percentage of the population do you believe, actually maintains that being gay is morally o.k?  I say morally, because this is a moral, not a legal issue.  Does that mean that everyone that does not agree with those of you that think that it is hunky dory, is a bigot or intolerant?"

I couldn't have said this better myself! Well spoken ccrider. What's next? I don't like to be in the same room with someone who is smoking. Does that make me a bigot? If I choose not to hang around people because they are crack heads does that make me a bigot?

This whole conversation is just another example of why our country is in the shape it is in. We have taken The very faith our nation was founded over out of everything including schools. We have these shootings and then Wonder where God was when it happened. We forced him out. Our kids can't pray in school but ESPN can promote the ideas it did. We have a president who refuses to solute our flag, says he wants gun control to keep anymore of our kids from being harmed yet is one of the biggest supporters of partial birth abortions in history, tells us "no tax increase for the middle class" and raises out taxes on 80% of the nation month later. Our country is stuck believing whatever the media tells us. They are telling us homosexuality is okay and is morally right. If that's the case, why can't two males or two females have a child?

Until we all take a stand for what our parents taught us and stop believing everything the media tries to shove down our throats, this country's demise will continue.

Anything else, Jethro Bodine?
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Re: Todays show: Spoiler alert..
« Reply #150 on: January 08, 2013, 08:50:40 PM »
Jethro Bodine? Haha thanks??? I guess! Seriously, read a history book. Increased spending, rising tax rates, public healthcare, a divided country, more people relying on the government than contributing, pending gun control, a biased media, and now there's a bill in the works to end presidential term limitb see for yourself:

Does none of this ring a bell from a country in Europe?