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Author Topic: Tony Reyes give your spot up  (Read 10000 times)


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Tony Reyes give your spot up
« on: April 02, 2006, 02:39:58 PM »
Confess your a good bowler but not great. Confess you had an average season as usual. Confess you'll never win a title in your career.
This guy is only exempt due to winning a "pull a rabbit out of a hat" event. That's the closest you'll ever get to winning a real title. All those guys that were under the cut and above you are better bowlers. That includes most of all Paul Flemming, who may not have a title either but is 2 times the bowler you are. I wish nothing but bad luck for you next season. I'm pissed Flemming isn't exempt due to a flawed system and the fact Reyes won that stupid event I'm ripping you cause you one of the worst on tour. I'm suprised your even 48th.



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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2006, 03:56:59 PM »
I met Tony this past Saturday in the Pro-am in Grand Rapids. Although I know this does not qualify him for any special consideration, he is a very nice man. Very friendly and downright humble. Called me sir, lol, I do not get called that much, maybe he could tell I am 50.
Anyway, I do not get too excited about these rantings anymore. It seems Brian needs to get excited about something, so he feels he needs to pick a target. Does it make sense that he pick on very nice man, who is one hell of bowler over another guy who likewise is nice and a better bowler than most, if not all, of us will be? In a word, no. He chose to do it in a very unprofessional way and make a spectacle of himself. I am glad we have the "Ignore user" option for just such an occasion. I feel for Paul Flemming very much too, I was 5 feet from him when he kicked a trash can as he walked off after losing in the round of 32, and I know he felt bad. But I still fail to understand Brians mentality.

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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2006, 04:01:50 PM »
I have seen a lot of dumb topics out here, but this one takes the prize.  This one is headed for the "Worthless post Hall of Fame".


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2006, 04:26:44 PM »
Brian if you were half as good at bowling as Tony is you would be much better than you are now, perhaps you would go out on the tour and show us all how good you are . Something tells me you'll never make it . Share some of your achievements with us if you will. You must be the highest average bowler in your house and bowled 300 many times and all of those tournments you've won please share with us
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2006, 04:47:15 PM »
Doesn't bother me. All I see is alot of butt kissing for a guy that isn't all that. Your insults are oblivious to me.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2006, 04:47:33 PM »
Doesn't bother me. All I see is alot of butt kissing for a guy that isn't all that. Your insults are oblivious to me.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2006, 05:20:36 PM »
don't hate the player, hate the game
Just another bowling fool


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2006, 05:31:28 PM »
I met Tony at Hawthorn lanes earlier this season and got the chance to throw a couple with him.  Granted he doesn't throw the flashiest ball in the world, (i don't either) he is still a great guy and a good bowler.  I'll be wishing him the best of luck next season on tour for he is truly deserving of a title...
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2006, 05:36:19 PM »
I Brian,
I don't like the way you flip burgers. I think you should give your spot to the fry guy!

It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2006, 06:26:55 PM »
Hey BrianCRX90,

I have been bowling for 28 years and I am glad that computers have not been around that long because you frankly would have been tracked down and dealt with some old fashion ways years ago and maybe thats what someone needs to do now.

I am only going to say this one time, You are the stupidiest motherfu*cker I have ever haeard on the site and for you too be jealous sounds very normal for someone that can't do anything right in there life.

You better hope I never find out who are, it will be a bad day for you di*k head.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2006, 07:01:34 PM »
At least one understood. I'm a fan of Reyes, or at least was. I do question his talent compared to where he was and where he is today. I lost faith in him in Dallas 02 and after that disaster on tv he hasn't proved me anything. Sure, he is a good qualifier, and he is a little better of a shotmaker but he is not champion material. I see all these "he's a nice guy". Yes, he is. He also has a history of a temper on the lanes as I have personally witnessed. But who cares, this was not about him being naughty or nice. I feel it's cheap for him to win a "rabbit out of the hat" event like the Final Frame and the PBA gives him an undeserved exemption. He's not under the cut line, he's a good 14 spots above the cutline. That means he was one of the WORST exempt players on tour. Even the foreign rookie Andres Gomez is along side of him. So to me there is a bowler that thanks to Reyes not making the cutline will get screwed. It's not like Tom Baker who also had a medicore season. The difference there is Baker actully won a title, and the most major of them all. Reyes has no titles, ranked 51. So Paul Flemming now has to go bowl tour trials and if that doesn't work out will have to bowl regionals and if that doesn't work out he will have to go to PTQ or is career is over because someone took the easy way out. If you don't see anything wrong with this you seriously need to wake up. I won't fault Reyes totally for this as the PBA was foolish for letting exempt tour players participate in this. That's all I'm saying on this subject.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2006, 07:08:33 PM »
Tony is a great guy and a SJSU alumni (he comes down to visit the bowling team every now and then).
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2006, 07:40:14 PM »
CRX... What if Paul Fleming won the "final frame" instead of Tony?  Would you be asking Paul to give up his spot to the next person on the bubble?  Your right about the final frame being a joke for an exemption, but it's not the bowlers fault.. They are doing what was offered.  I do recall quite a few people bowling in the "final frame"


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2006, 08:03:38 PM »
This guy is complaining so much. I am not going to say the other word. If anyone should complain is the guy's on tour. Oh i know you just want attention like a child. I mad at the world , life not fair. Grow up man, you sound like a ---Watch yourself.

Edited on 4/3/2006 8:03 PM


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2006, 08:15:28 PM »
No, because Flemming would of had the last spot, lol.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2006, 08:20:49 PM »
Brian, if you want to put things into retrospect take my favorite bowler for example, Amleto Monacelli.  Amleto is already a hall of famer, but what happened to him? He hit a SIX YEAR title drought.  He snapped his streak last year in February, but does that really detest the fact that he doesn't deserve to be with the sports elite, i don't think so.  If we look at his season this year again we find a dull performance, he was pretty consistent but didn't make tv, too bad, you never know what the future holds...
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