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Author Topic: Tony Reyes give your spot up  (Read 10001 times)


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Tony Reyes give your spot up
« on: April 02, 2006, 02:39:58 PM »
Confess your a good bowler but not great. Confess you had an average season as usual. Confess you'll never win a title in your career.
This guy is only exempt due to winning a "pull a rabbit out of a hat" event. That's the closest you'll ever get to winning a real title. All those guys that were under the cut and above you are better bowlers. That includes most of all Paul Flemming, who may not have a title either but is 2 times the bowler you are. I wish nothing but bad luck for you next season. I'm pissed Flemming isn't exempt due to a flawed system and the fact Reyes won that stupid event I'm ripping you cause you one of the worst on tour. I'm suprised your even 48th.



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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2006, 12:17:11 AM »
Stop feeding the TROLLS!!!!!!!!!
Big Tom Normile
Roto Kingdom.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2006, 05:37:29 AM »
How many shows has he made this season? Ya, crawl in back the hole you came out of.

You give Fort Worth a bad name dude!


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2006, 04:44:32 PM »
BrianCRX90= Not a clue about anything to do with bowling or the PBA tour!!
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2006, 04:59:21 PM »
Either he hates Tony's "ramp shot" or the fact he throws a Brunswick Goliath dead straight at the 10 pin
Just my opinion...
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
"Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
"One thing I love about bowling you never have it all figured out" -kingpin76
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2006, 05:56:05 PM »
At least one understood. I'm a fan of Reyes, or at least was. I do question his talent compared to where he was and where he is today. I lost faith in him in Dallas 02 and after that disaster on tv he hasn't proved me anything. Sure, he is a good qualifier, and he is a little better of a shotmaker but he is not champion material. I see all these "he's a nice guy". Yes, he is. He also has a history of a temper on the lanes as I have personally witnessed. But who cares, this was not about him being naughty or nice. I feel it's cheap for him to win a "rabbit out of the hat" event like the Final Frame and the PBA gives him an undeserved exemption. He's not under the cut line, he's a good 14 spots above the cutline. That means he was one of the WORST exempt players on tour. Even the foreign rookie Andres Gomez is along side of him. So to me there is a bowler that thanks to Reyes not making the cutline will get screwed. It's not like Tom Baker who also had a medicore season. The difference there is Baker actully won a title, and the most major of them all. Reyes has no titles, ranked 51. So Paul Flemming now has to go bowl tour trials and if that doesn't work out will have to bowl regionals and if that doesn't work out he will have to go to PTQ or is career is over because someone took the easy way out. If you don't see anything wrong with this you seriously need to wake up. I won't fault Reyes totally for this as the PBA was foolish for letting exempt tour players participate in this. That's all I'm saying on this subject.

I am not a big Tony Reyes fan but he did nothing wrong. The PBA leaders decided to give away an exempt spot and Tony took advantage of it. If Tony did not win the spot somebody else that bowled that event would have. The thing that goes unmentioned here is the fact that the number for the exempt field is too low. The exempt idea is great but the number of exemptions totally suck. I do like the idea of regional point leaders getting exemptions. There is one down side to the exemption on the tour. One bad season and your out. Oil patterns dictate who  qualifies and who don't. And yes, certain styles were shut out this year. I do think they need to go back to the old format. Just my opinion.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2006, 06:09:34 PM »
yo brian ur a dumb @%^ i mean come on hes on tour and ur not so get of his nuts


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2006, 10:20:33 PM »
On PBA.come I have numerously mentioned the exempt cut field at 40 is too low. While everyone just wants to expand the entire field, I would settle for just modifying the criteria with the 64 spots in the meantime. This year due to circumstances, the cutline is only 37 I belive last I checked.

What should be done is making the line where they set it on 03-04, to 50 players. Some brilliant people at the PBA though the next year came up with some braindead idea that regional bowlers should get points and the top bowler in each region should get a spot. Bad idea! Look how well that has panned out this year. Let's see: Nathan Bohr, Randy Weiss, Ray Edwards, Blaise Bedolla, Ben Laughlin and to an extent Dale Traber have been horrible. Just because you are a good bowler in your region, which does mean something but does not mean other bowlers can't perform on tour. They need to ditch all of that and if regional bowlers are interested in joining the tour you go up to Tour Trials like everyone else or bowl PTQ. 50 spots for the next season exempt tour, 10 spots for tour trials and 4 spots for PTQ.

Edited on 4/4/2006 10:20 PM


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2006, 11:23:22 PM »
Get some backing and start your own tour and run it the way you want to then.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2006, 01:18:28 PM »
i guess today will change many opinions about Reyes
 check my profile for my stats


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2006, 01:23:38 PM »
Brian...maybe you should eat your words now, a s s hole...if Paul Flemming was such a better bowler than Tony, how come he didn't win the Final Frame, or a Title, huh?  Not to mention the fact that Reyes bowled incredibly today, steamrolled Parker by shooting 300 and then beat Wes Malott pretty handily.

Now that he's won a title, which puts him up on your hero Flemming, maybe you should back off a little.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2006, 01:24:45 PM »
Confess your a good bowler but not great. Confess you had an average season as usual. Confess you'll never win a title in your career.
This guy is only exempt due to winning a "pull a rabbit out of a hat" event. That's the closest you'll ever get to winning a real title. All those guys that were under the cut and above you are better bowlers. That includes most of all Paul Flemming, who may not have a title either but is 2 times the bowler you are. I wish nothing but bad luck for you next season. I'm pissed Flemming isn't exempt due to a flawed system and the fact Reyes won that stupid event I'm ripping you cause you one of the worst on tour. I'm suprised your even 48th.

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Duke Harding



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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2006, 01:32:33 PM »
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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2006, 02:43:19 PM »
I agree with you on Robby the cheater, but not reyes.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2006, 03:16:18 PM »
Wow, what a bad time to make a post like this.  

I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.

Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Selliger of the Southern Cal bowling league. I just got a report that a member of your team, Walter Solcheck, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true, it controveens a number of league bylaws.


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Re: Tony Reyes give your spot up
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2006, 03:22:39 PM »
Man up Brian and admit you were wrong.