As mentioned on the PBA website, Tim Mack doubled in the tenth frame of the ninth game to nose out JT for the last spot in the qualifier. Hats off to Tim--he finished strong the last three games (I was a volunteer so I was "tied" to the lanes I was watching), but it was nice to have these two guys "pass thru" my lanes near the end -- you could see a battle was starting to shape up between these two guys for that last spot. JT was about 8 lanes down from me on that final game, but I could tell he opened in the tenth-- not sure what the spare leave was. Quite a bit of emotion from Tim after he got that last strike!!
From a strictly personal point of view, I had seen Jim T on television before, and he's certainly well known in the Eastern regionals. I'm even more impressed with his game after seeing him in person. I'm sure we will see a lot more of him in the future.
So you like this guy?

Yeah, he treats me sweet -- I met him at a bowling alley. (Matchstick Men)