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Author Topic: USBC and PBA  (Read 12950 times)


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« on: March 14, 2008, 03:55:59 AM »
If the USBC joined forces with the PBA and set up a 3 dollar increase on the USBC membership with all the money going right to the prize fund for the PBA would you agree with it?

I for one would pay the xtra 3 dollars just too help bring the PBA to where it should be.

How many USBC members are there?  How much money would be raised with my idea?



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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2008, 06:06:47 PM »
Why don't we just give them our check books and they can make a check out for ever how much they need
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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2008, 09:14:56 AM »

Then the exempt guys will start bowling regionals.

Regionals are just extensions of the PBA, are they not? Correct me if I'm wrong. If PBA on the national level crashes then the regions would also.
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Regionals are part of the PBA but they are much cheaper to run, so I think they would survive.  Just the main PBA National toruneys would die out I think.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2008, 09:46:38 AM »
The PBA has to give us, USBC members, something. Like giving the bowling centers that promotes leagues free access to use the PBA oil patterns. Discounts for Pro days and for the entrance fees for the events. If they want our money. They should give us something. I think that will be an incentive in bringing in more USBC members.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2008, 11:50:45 AM »
I find it interesting that when the WIBC bought the rights to the PWBA just before the merger many called foul.  The cry was why should my money go to support the women when they couldn't get the sponsorship and manage their funds.  Now that the PBA is in trouble let's support them and raise our dues.

Yes I would pay the increase, but I would also expect something to be done to include increasing the Women's events from the 4 stops this year.  If Joe's calculations are correct 7.8 million could allow both men and women professionals to benefit. Just my opinion.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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USBC Bronze Coach

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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2008, 03:09:04 PM »
I find it interesting that when the WIBC bought the rights to the PWBA just before the merger many called foul.  The cry was why should my money go to support the women when they couldn't get the sponsorship and manage their funds.  Now that the PBA is in trouble let's support them and raise our dues.

Yes I would pay the increase, but I would also expect something to be done to include increasing the Women's events from the 4 stops this year.  If Joe's calculations are correct 7.8 million could allow both men and women professionals to benefit. Just my opinion.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

I would think that a 3 dollar increase to go towards the PBA could also be used to bring back the Womens tour or to add more events.  That's a lot of money to add to the prize fund!  

I'm actually shocked that bowlers on this site, who love the game, would not pay an xtra 3 dollars a year to breath life into the PBA and Womens tour.  This would have a huge trickle down effect!  This proposal would just benefit the sport!

How many kids know the PBA players names?  I started bowling at age 10.  I didn't bowl on a league but used to rent a lane every Sunday morning for 2 hours.  I could bowl as many games as I wanted for those two hours.  Even though I didn't bowl on a league I still knew who some of the PBA players were.  I used to watch them on Sat TV.  My favorite bowler back then was Earl Anthony.  I remember they were bowling for something like 17,000 for first place.  I think that's the amount.  It's very sad that there only bowling for 25,000 some 27 years later!


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2008, 03:26:52 PM »
People are complaining that they'd have to contribute $3 a year to a prize fund that they "wouldn't win" but at the same time will shell out thousands of dollars a season to go see their local baseball, football, basketball or hockey teams which they have no hope whatsoever of making, thus paying the salaries of the players on the teams; as well as helping the PBA work on solving some of the problems around the game right now (many of which are overly fatalistic).  Assuming of course that the money is put into the right arenas.

At least with the PBA prize funds, everyone has a chance to compete to qualify in tournaments.
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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2008, 05:04:43 PM »
it's not really  a question of funding the PBA..but the PBA has thousands of members, why should people not involved with the PBA be the ones to help fund it. It's not for the "betterment" of the sport. It's to keep a tour around that's not the only tour on the planet. If the PBA folded, bowling will still be around and possibly another type of tour would come into existence ran by(what a concept this would be) the bowlers. Why can't (for the time being) the members of the PBA contribute extra to save the tour. If I elected to be a PBA member as I will be this coming April, I would pay extra to help the tour, because that is something that I am apart of. However, my girlfriend and her family are not members of the PBA therefore they should not be obligated to pay extra to something that doesn't benefit them.

Believe me I love watching the PBA on sunday, but I won't be too sad if it were gone if it made way for someone who actually gave a damn about the bowlers to start a tour that would promote the sport of bowling better than the "exclusive" PBA does.

Bowling exist internationally and we don't get much of a view of those bowlers unless they are beating up on one "our" PBA stars. Why don't we as an organization focus on making bowling, both domestically and internationally, more appealing. Why should we line the funds for 64 bowlers every week when we can focus on the world of competitive bowling as a whole.
Justin Buford


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2008, 06:43:45 PM »
Money isn't the issue, but it's just like the government bailouts, taking money from everybody, and giving it to the people who proven they don't know how to use it.  Higher prize funds won't solve the PBA problems, the PBA problems only mirror the much greater decline in league bowling.  Only a select few people will care about the increased prize fun, not the everyday fan watching bowling on TV.  Higher prize funds won't attract more viewers, or get more people into bowling.  It's not like poker, where you can go, learn and play on-line for free, try cheap on-line tournaments, and have success very quickly.  With bowling, there is no hiding or bluffing, you need to spend years developing your skills.

The only way for the PBA to thrive is the restoration of league bowling to prior states.  Giving money to the PBA is like putting a bandaid on a severed limb.  There is no magical quick answer.  The only real answer is long term targeted efforts to establish school bowling programs to create youth bowlers.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2008, 07:32:56 PM »
I have 2 opinions on this subject.  
First of all I would not mind paying an extra 3.00 for the PBA as long as they open up the National tournaments to everyone and drop the exempt.  If they want more bowlers they need to open it up to more than 50 some bowlers and only 10 bowlers out of 100 make the top 64 brackets.  They would also have to open up to bowlers getting there own sponsorships and drop the License fee for bowling companies to get the equipment on tour.  

On second thought I do have a problem with the 3.00 going to the PBA as I have the thought of what do they do for us.  The USBC cannot even take control of problems that they have in their own organization.  Plenty of centers cannot even oil their lanes to meet specifications.  USBC couldn't even afford to put our averages on the cards this year due to the postage would of cost more if they made it personal.  

This is just a brief rant on the subject for me.  I could go either way if the right changes would be made.
Derek Trowbridge
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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2008, 07:59:42 PM »
Since there are so many for the idea and so many against the idea to add $3 a year why don't they do it like the tax forms we fill out have a box on the sanctioning card where you have a choice to donate $3 extra a year , at least that way you have a choice those that feel strongly let them donate. Also have it that every pro has to donate$100 extra every year , they are the ones benefiting from it anyway
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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2008, 11:27:44 PM »
Since there are so many for the idea and so many against the idea to add $3 a year why don't they do it like the tax forms we fill out have a box on the sanctioning card where you have a choice to donate $3 extra a year , at least that way you have a choice those that feel strongly let them donate. Also have it that every pro has to donate$100 extra every year , they are the ones benefiting from it anyway

Good idea, but most of the secretaries already have a hard enough time balancing their books and getting their leagues sanctioned.  You want to them now to deal with an optional $3 donation.  Not going to happen.  Secretaries already have to deal with local only, state and local only or state, local and National fes.  for most secretaries its already too confusing.



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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2008, 11:31:18 PM »
Now maybe if some of the local PBA people were to hit some of the biggest leagues in your assoc., bowl, trick shot exabition, talk up the PBA, put on a show (for free) and ask for donations they'd get some collections and stimulate some interest.  Every region has its local pros, if the PBA is in trouble money wise, then let them get out there, even once a week during the summer when the tour is done and do some campaigning for the PBA.  



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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #58 on: March 19, 2008, 09:16:33 AM »
Let me use an example.  If the first place prize for winning a PBA tourney was 500,000 dollars and 1 million for a major, do you think there would be an increase in the interest of the PBA?

Some of you guys that have replied don't think this would spark an interest in the PBA.  I just can't see how that wouldn't create more of an interest in the PBA at all levels!  I could almost garuntee you would see the younger generation show more interest in the PBA and sport of bowling!

I also agree the exempt status should be dropped if there was an increase in prize money!  Only allow PBA members to enter the each tourney.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2008, 09:44:47 AM »
I would have no problem paying a few bucks extra per year to support the PBA, including the womens series.  I would give alittle extra to give the women more tournaments.  They should have been sharing tournament sites with the PBA years ago, this just seems logical.

I emailed this topic to the USBC.....


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2008, 12:14:06 PM »
A million bucks for a major might slightly increase the interest in bowling in the event, but it won't increase viewship, it's not going to improve TV ratings, and that is the heart of the problem.  You think by throwing money at the problem, it will solve itself, but the problem is, those who care about the bowling prize fund, already watch the PBA.  The problem is how to get kids to think about bowling instead of playstation, little league, etc...  Is a Million dollar prize fund going to get a Bears fan to watch bowling instead?  LMAO, it will never happen.  What would it take to get those football fans to tune into bowling during the offseason?  Bowling is not an excititng TV sport, unless your a diehard bowling fan.  Unfortunately, our numbers are woefully lacking.

Money to the PBA is a tax the poor and give to the rich scheme.