This is my 2cents.
Back in Earl's day, everyone was using the same equipment, and playing the same line. And yes accuracy had to be a premium over power. But Earl, had to face a field that had maybe 5 to 10 guys who might be able to beat him every week if they were "on". Plus, for the most part, the oil patterns was always the same.
When WRW was starting out, you probably had 10-20 guys every week who could win. Then after a few years, it was probably more like 25+ guys who could win every week. Now, its probably 30-50 guys who could win every week if they had the chance. Hell, I havent even watched a bowling match on TV, probably since 2003?
? idk lol I stopped bowling in 2004 so i dont even know what the format is anymore!
But, I do remember before they had the "Exempt" Tour, and it was just a full field of pro's, about 75% of those guys if they had a good week can beat WRW's.
The oil patterns and the way the balls react and use up the oil and move the oil around makes it alot harder to bowl, than to just play one line all week long.
Plus how many tournaments were around back when Earl was bowling fulltime??? also it was the highpoint of bowling when sponser's flocked to bowling and bowling was on tv primetime.
WRW, bowled during the dark ages of bowling, when it was scraping by and tournaments folded and you lost tournaments almost every year. Plus, he also had to adapt to the ever changing oil patterns and with new bowling balls comming out all the time.
I also remember a tournament where WRW's beat everyone, by using a PLASTIC BALL, when everyone else was using REACTIVE!!!!!!! I'd love to see someone try and challenge that feat!!
Plus, How many different types of bowling pins are out there?
Cuz I know not all of the bowling alleys use the same ones. And those all react differently too.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "