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Author Topic: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!  (Read 5617 times)


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Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« on: December 17, 2007, 01:10:39 AM »
Rob Stone has got to go.  He might be the worst sports commentator in the history of the job.  
Did we really need a half a game talking about the Simpsons.  
Whats a plastic ball for?
That question is the equivalent of someone asking Madden during a game what the yellow sticks on the sideline are for, or why the players where helmets.
These guys just suck, how about some real info about what the bowlers are throwing, surface prep, drillings, grip, etc.
Like when they mentioned Chris Warren was throwing conventional and then never said another word.  Between Warren and Devany throwing Sarge & Conventional it would seem they had something good to work with and ignored it.
How come we don't get a run down of the top 32 anymore?  I guess they are to busy saying Hambone.
A couple weeks ago they had Barnes on with them for a few minutes, and all of sudden it got interesting and we had some real info.  Why can't they get a couple pros to do this each week.
It would have been nice to maybe have some sort of explanation as to why the righties couldn't keep pace other than the usual more traffic/breakdown explanation we all understand.
Sorry had to rant, They were just awful yesterday, and seem to be getting worse.
Please ESPN, Please, get some real pros to do the commentary, and free them up of restrictions on mentioning specific companies so they can at least discuss the gear a little.



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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2007, 06:55:14 AM »

You like to insult people by calling them names. You do not know me and wish you didn't. I heard the expression for the first time from Rob Stone when he said that he was going to come up with something new for the four bagger.

Look yourself in the mirror in and you will see what you really are. You really fit in this expression:

The dumbest people I know are those who know it all.  Malcolm Forbes

You're a moron, he did not create the term "hambone", its been around for awhile.
The expression came from Rob Stone after he heard about the three strike turkey term and explained how the turkey came to be. Rob wanted something new for the 4 bagger so he came up with the Hambone. He created the term for a 4 bagger.

HAMBONE is the known 4 bagger

Borincano:  I've never heard that expression before.  I thought I heard Rob Stone say, "I think I'll call it the hambone".  If he made it up, it would be like a novice card player making up names for Texas Hold'em, or the like.  What is your information about this?
The dumbest people I know are
those who know it all.  Malcolm Forbes

As for all of you who are complaining about the announcing and writing to ESPN complaining...
YOU, are the problem with bowling nowadays.  You complain about every announcer about how he doesn't know everything about bowling or that he tries to make the telecast "fun".  Then you complain about how bowling needs those knowledgable announcers to draw viewers.
Guess what, 99.99% of Americans don't care about specific drillings of the pro's or what the surface is.  99% of the viewers don't care about either of those things.  I DON'T CARE ABOUT EITHER OF THOSE THINGS.  You really expect bowling's popularity to go up when people watching hear the announcers talking about things they don't care about?
ESPN puts the PBA on tv for the casual bowlers who want to watch people who are the best, not for you people who care about stupid, intricate things like that.
I'm sorry that people like you are not happy with Rob Stone and his announcing, but really, c'mon, just quit freaking complaining and watch the sport you love.
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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2007, 07:00:20 AM »
Sometimes its good to have a newbie commentator. He ask questions that someone that doesnt bowl would ask.
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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2007, 07:10:52 AM »
Bo and Chris bored me to tears.
THANK YOU!  Someone other than me who was willing to say it first!  I agree 100%, but I was afraid I'd get lynched by the mob for saying something like that...

YES!  I *liked* Bo and Chris, but they could get really boring too.

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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2007, 12:34:35 PM »
What we, the initiated, need to remember is, there is a vast, untapped, supply of bowlers out there, IF we can just get them interested enough to bowl one league.  Some of them will be just like us, hooked as soon as they pick a ball up on a regular basis.

This is definitely the only thing lacking.  I think there are a lot of potential league bowlers out there untapped.

Peterson cringed ( yes, so bad you could hear it ) but Stone persisted calling it that.  Peterson is still cringing and Stone is still yelling "HAMBONE".  Sort of getting used to it, even to the point that it has become a bit humorous to me.

It's funny you mention that...  I notice a lot of times Randy is doing damage control, cringing, or just quietly sighing into the mic.  I can imagine him doing some double-takes on some of the stuff Stone says.  Did I just hear that?  I think it is comedy gold but sometimes the Stone-isms can detract from the match.  He just needs more of a feel of when to goof off and when to let the match happen.
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Edited on 12/18/2007 1:35 PM


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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2007, 02:03:04 AM »
i think the commentating should go to a more enthusiastic but serious approach... like be excited about the game but talk about it professionally and with the correct terminology...

there is no need to explain what every little thing is about the game and its intricacies...

just say whats happening and how it is...

in basketball they dont explain what reaching in is, they dont explain what getting Tee'd up is...

just say it how it is because the only people that watch bowling really are bowlers... and if there are other people that are going to watch they will learn what the stuff means by watching more or looking it up somewhere...

the show does not need to be babied, and that is what is happening and honestly it seems embarrassing some of the things that are being said for commentary...

yes some of the things that Randy says are funny, some...

Rob Stone... he is a little too over the top and doesn't know what he is saying or talking about half the time.. espn should hire on a hall of famer from bowling of some sort to be the co commentator with randy... these guys that espn's sends in dont know anything about bowling itself and really deface it by mixing up terminology or just not knowing all of it..

trust me i know the guy is trying and what not.. and i enjoy watching the shows and hope to one day be on one...

but the commentating needs to be upgraded and i really hope it happens soon, because the shows have great competitors and they deserve to be talked about in a professional manner... they should have fun but what is going on with the commentating now is pretty bad

i miss the days of Chris Schenkel and Marshall Holman....
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Edited on 12/20/2007 3:04 AM
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2007, 06:27:27 AM »
i miss the days of Chris Schenkel and Marshall Holman....
Good for you, because I don't.  They are two godawful boring commentators in my opinion!


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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2007, 08:52:28 PM »
two class acts and great commentators...

think what you will... thats your opinion but really have some respect for two of the greats...
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
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"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."

Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
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Re: Worst Commentary on the telecast ever!
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2007, 09:10:04 PM »
as far as stone goes, i like it. he's funny and excited about what he's doing. but as far as randy...i never have liked him as a bowler or a commentator. he's either downright strange (you've got a voice that could make a wolverine purr?) or just boring and not really helpful as far as telling what's going on for the knowledgeable bowlers out there. i would love to have duke and stone, that would be awesome. either that, or throw PDW in there and see what happens.
what you say?