i think the commentating should go to a more enthusiastic but serious approach... like be excited about the game but talk about it professionally and with the correct terminology...
there is no need to explain what every little thing is about the game and its intricacies...
just say whats happening and how it is...
in basketball they dont explain what reaching in is, they dont explain what getting Tee'd up is...
just say it how it is because the only people that watch bowling really are bowlers... and if there are other people that are going to watch they will learn what the stuff means by watching more or looking it up somewhere...
the show does not need to be babied, and that is what is happening and honestly it seems embarrassing some of the things that are being said for commentary...
yes some of the things that Randy says are funny, some...
Rob Stone... he is a little too over the top and doesn't know what he is saying or talking about half the time.. espn should hire on a hall of famer from bowling of some sort to be the co commentator with randy... these guys that espn's sends in dont know anything about bowling itself and really deface it by mixing up terminology or just not knowing all of it..
trust me i know the guy is trying and what not.. and i enjoy watching the shows and hope to one day be on one...
but the commentating needs to be upgraded and i really hope it happens soon, because the shows have great competitors and they deserve to be talked about in a professional manner... they should have fun but what is going on with the commentating now is pretty bad
i miss the days of Chris Schenkel and Marshall Holman....
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."
Edited on 12/20/2007 3:04 AM