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Author Topic: Something I've always wondered...what percentage of pros...  (Read 2653 times)


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Something I've always wondered...what percentage of pros...
« on: December 16, 2008, 04:55:18 PM »
...would you think actually enjoy bowling the pro-ams?

I've bowled in one, in Birmingham. All the pros who came through our lanes (six in all - they rotated every five frames) were cordial. Some were more outgoing than others, but there were no jerks.

However, I found myself almost reluctant to talk to them, because surely they get pestered with every question under the sun. I did manage to avoid bugging the **** out of them for pics and endless autographs.

The guys I had were:

Tommy Delutz -- Very down-to-earth guy, gregarious and friendly. A couple of single women bowling on the adjacent pair absolutely would not leave him alone.

Norm Duke -- Every child wanted to get pictured with him. I could tell Norm has been through it all so many times that he has a system for dealing with pro-ams. To his credit, he signed everything put in front of him, answered every question and never quit smiling.

Joe Ciccone -- Pleasant, but very quiet.

Rick Lawrence -- Very nice guy and when I asked him a simple question about his wrist brace, took the time to go into great detail about it. Took time with everyone who would talk with him.

Randy Weiss -- Friendly, enthusiastic, seemed happy to be there.

Mike Machuga -- For some reason, he ended up being the guy on our pair to catch all the technical questions from everyone. Answered everything. Also paid attention to how we were bowling, congratulated us on good shots and offered tips on adjustments.

Others were there, including Tony Reyes and Robert Smith, who were dynamite. The entire youth program at that bowling center was following Reyes around like the Pied Piper of Hamlin.

But I'm curious to know whether they actually like mingling with us hacks. I found myself excited about going, but once there, worried that I would be a bother to them. I probably didn't avail myself nearly enough of the opportunity to get information and tips. I still remember almost word for word what I learned from Lawrence and Machuga, however.

If the tour would ever come back within six hours of my house again, I might do another one.




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Re: Something I've always wondered...what percentage of pros...
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2008, 11:14:32 PM »
I've bowled a lot of pro ams - on both sides. When I was bowling PWBA regionals, the pro ams were definitely fun. The women did the majority of their bowling in one day - 1/2 hour of practice, 6 games, 1/2 hour to hour lunch, another 1/2 hour of practice, 6 games qualifying. The pro ams were usually that night. I was always exhausted, but absolutely loved 'em. The best one was the one and only tournament where I was the qualifying leader. I felt like the star of the show!!! And it's a true statement - if the ams have fun at the pro am, they are going to spend a lot of money in the bar and restaurant/snack bar - and the house is going to get a lot of entries. The pro ams are generally the only way the house has to make up the cost of hosting the pros, so the proprietors are always thrilled with a good turn out.

On the other end - I've bowled with some great pros - and last year, I bowled with a couple of REAL jerks.
Parker FANTASTIC. I can't say enough.
Brian Voss - a bunch of fun. A guy told Brian that his sister had a mad crush on him, and that the sister was there that night. Brian found her, snuck up behind her, and laid a big, wet, sloppy kiss on her cheek. Sis was so blown away, she wet her pants. And the rest of us almost did - we were laughing so hard.
Mike Scroggins - I bowled with him last year. He was an absolute riot.

I got to bowl with Mark Roth when he was here in town for a Sr. stop just a few years ago. It was amazing - I bowled a collegiate event that was held concurrently with the pros in 1977 or 1978 - I mentioned that to Mark. He asked me who I bowled for - I told him, and he replied "you gals were awesome! what a team!" I was flabbergasted. He then went on to tell me some of the details of the event - it was obviously as special to him as it was to me.

I'll think of a few more later.
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Re: Something I've always wondered...what percentage of pros...
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2008, 12:00:05 AM »
Pro-ams are part of our job so if we're NOT being cordial we're not doing our job.  Never be afraid to ask any questions or chat us up or ask for autogrpahs or pics - you are paying for the opportunity to do that!  

Biggest issue for me in bowling pro-ams is reading what my ams are looking for - some want you to be focused on your score cuz they are trying to win. Others just want to have fun and don't care about scores.

I prefer the pro-ams where our scores do NOT count so when we get the first 11 strikes (common cuz it's 9-pin tap or free strikes usually) we can have an am throw the 12th shot for us.  Also can do trick shots then, although I am not good at them - like seeing the guys who are good do them, though.

With rare exceptions I enjoy bowling pro-ams.

Edited on 12/17/2008 9:34 AM

Thanks for the input. Now I'm going to ask a stupid question: Who are you? (g) I can't figure it out from your username and you don't have a profile.

That would be Jeff Richgels, PBA Regional competitor and Storm staffer.

And don't forget about Madison Bowling Association hall of famer!


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Re: Something I've always wondered...what percentage of pros...
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2008, 07:31:35 AM »
Pro-ams are part of our job so if we're NOT being cordial we're not doing our job.  Never be afraid to ask any questions or chat us up or ask for autogrpahs or pics - you are paying for the opportunity to do that!  

Biggest issue for me in bowling pro-ams is reading what my ams are looking for - some want you to be focused on your score cuz they are trying to win. Others just want to have fun and don't care about scores.

I prefer the pro-ams where our scores do NOT count so when we get the first 11 strikes (common cuz it's 9-pin tap or free strikes usually) we can have an am throw the 12th shot for us.  Also can do trick shots then, although I am not good at them - like seeing the guys who are good do them, though.

With rare exceptions I enjoy bowling pro-ams.

Edited on 12/17/2008 9:34 AM

Thanks for the input. Now I'm going to ask a stupid question: Who are you? (g) I can't figure it out from your username and you don't have a profile.

That would be Jeff Richgels, PBA Regional competitor and Storm staffer.

And don't forget about Madison Bowling Association hall of famer!

I am big fan of Riggs, even though I haven't met him personally so I will also add, if not for a stupid change in the rule, he would be a USBC Hall of Famer as well. Riggs is a true giant in our sport, for his bowling ability, and the way he represents our sport off the lanes as well.
