- Minimal practicing on the TV pair - two to three shots max on each TV lane before your actual match. Heck, you could even re-oil the TV pair before each match, although it would sure make for some ugly back ends by the time the championship game rolls around.
- No fans alongside the lanes. I mean, who would want to sit there anyway? Then we won't have issues with fans moving slightly and causing a bowler to flip out because somebody alongside the lanes breathed in while the bowler was in his fourth step and it caused him to fluff his shot.
- Either return to the "loud crowd" atmosphere or pipe in some other white noise. It's too quiet as it is now and bowlers don't need that much quiet to concentrate on bowling. I mean, all of us are bowlers, and we know well enough that bowling alleys are not quiet places. So if you create an atmosphere of dead silence like they do on TV, you can expect that the bowler is already feeling out of his element, which exacerbates the problem when someone coughs or sneezes or sucks the last of his soda through the straw really loud and it causes the bowler to break his concentration.
Seriously, there is a lot at stake out there for these guys and the PBA folks are just setting themselves up for a situation where a bowler attacks a fan because he farted or something right when the bowler released the ball. Making the whole place noisy would make it more exciting anyway. Why not play music like in Cosmic Bowling? Or have those terrible bar bands that occasionally show up on the telecasts just keep on playing non-stop. I wish my league would do that (play music, not have terrible bar bands) but there are apparently too many "serious" bowlers who couldn't handle listening to music and bowling at the same time so we don't. But I digress...
- Enough with the arena settings already. Who pays to watch these things in person when you know you're going to be a long way away from the action? Can you really make out anything of interest - like which ball company Norm Duke is patronizing that week, or how far over the foul line Tommy Jones or Wes Malott went - when you're 200 feet away in the top row or in the upper deck? No, you're only there to provide extra atmosphere and noise, which the PBA stifles anyway as soon as the bowler is anywhere near the approach (that is, all noise is stifled with the exception of poorly timed comments by PA announcers).
- Return to the tips segments, like the ones hosted by Mike Durbin. His tips were great and they were aimed at the advanced bowler. Even the old Nelson Burton Jr. tips were pretty good and they were aimed for bowlers of all levels.
- If the PBA is insistent on doing the six-pac questions, make one of the questions about how the bowler got started - junior leagues, collegiate bowling, etc. This might make a positive impact on participation in our junior programs and is far more interesting to hear than what motivates the bowler ("My kids...", "My family...", etc.).
- If you're going to show a graph of the PBA Lane Pattern being used that week, explain what the heck the different colors mean. I don't care IF every bowler is throwing the ball in the dark blue area, I want to know WHY they are playing in that area, and explaining that the darker area means more oil or less oil would be informative. Also explain what "buffing" the oil means and how we can expect this to affect ball reactions. And do it before the first match starts so that you're not trying to quickly explain it between shots.
- And while you're at it, have the commentator - you know, the one who is the PBA pro - pay attention to what's going on between games and in practice so that they can give an informative analysis of the lane transition. You can even have them break out the graph again so that he can telestrate what the shot was that was laid down, and how that shot differs from what is really on the lanes after the initial shot was destroyed by one of the bowlers throwing either their spare ball or their dull-sanded balls for 15 minutes in practice on the TV pair. If this "defense" or "shot-building" is allowed to continue on the TV pair, then it's only fair to factor that into the lane condition segment since it has a drastic effect on the shot being played.
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