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Author Topic: What the PBA needs  (Read 1171 times)


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What the PBA needs
« on: November 21, 2006, 09:45:25 AM »
I think the PBA needs more air time on ESPN in order to gain sponsors.  The more air time would allow for more chances for companies to advertise their product, making it more appealing for them to advertise the PBA and not something else.  

Thinks about it, almost every sport that makes a substantial amount of money is on TV at least three or four days of the week, and for at least two hours at a time.  For example, baseball, on almost every day during the season and games take almost three hours.  Basketball, on almost every day and is on for about two hours at a time.  The only sport that is not on this much is Football, and that is because it is football, they can just do that.  Compare these to bowling which get 1 1/2 hours once a week and you see why they do not get enough sponsors.

Bowling needs to figure out how to get more TV time to make sponsoring them look like a good opportunity.  My suggestion for doing this is enlarge the fields to a size between 100 and 150 people.  Then hold qualify on Tuesday and Thursday, and then try to have TV coverage start some time during the  match play matches on Thursday.  Also, the field should be cut to 64 people instead of 32, and instead of best out of seven matches, the matches would be best out of five to fit the TV schedule.  You could have the round of 64 matches thursday morning.  Then, Thursday night you could have the round of 32 matches televised.  Then, Friday you could have the round of 16 matches in the morning and televise them at night on Friday, and then you could also have the round of 8 matches friday night, but show them some time on saturday. Finally, they hold the final at the standard time on saturday with the format that the tournament chooses.

By doing this the PBA can have 2 hours of coverage each night and sponsors will be more likely to sponsor them because the have more air time.  

I know that this will take more money for the PBA to set up, but if they can find more sponsors and start making more of a profit, it will be worth it.

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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 11:17:56 AM »
catch-22.  To have them on more than once a week they would need MORE SPONSORS in the first place to buy the air time!
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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2006, 11:24:16 AM »
It would be cool to see match play on TV in some form, even if it was like a 1 hour highlight show.

I wonder if the PBA ever looked at other cable networks to see what they charge for airtime.  I think they could do better price wise and get better coverage if they went to VS (the old OLN).  They are definitely becoming a good sports network.
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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2006, 11:27:35 AM »
Another reason they have trouble finding sponsors is because there's nothing in bowling that can be applied to every-day life, therefor the sponsors would really have nothing to advertise.  NBA & NFL have clothing everyone wears,  NASCAR has the cars we drive.  What does bowling have that would/could be marketed to the masses?

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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2006, 11:29:03 AM »
The way they are standing now, I seems like even doing that would lose them too much money.
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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2006, 03:01:39 PM »
What does bowling have that would/could be marketed to the masses?  

Food and beer.....need anything more be said??  
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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 12:21:17 AM »
catch-22. To have them on more than once a week they would need MORE SPONSORS in the first place to buy the air time!

Before they could do this, they would need to build up their sponsorships over the off season.  Also, this could be a long term goal.  Maybe try adding time on friday or saturday first and build up sponsorship that would allow them to have more time.  

Also, bowling needs to find a better way to appeal to the public eye.  Look at poker.  It only became big a few years ago, but look how much money it generates.  Yes, anyone can win in poker and not everyone can win in bowling, but it would be nice for people to have the feeling they can.  They could do this by lowering the score on tour which would make normal bowlers feel they are as good as the pros even though they wouldn't be

What does bowling have that would/could be marketed to the masses?

Food and beer.....need anything more be said??

Finally, some sponsors the PBA should look at are-

American car companies- the PBA is already sponsored by car insurance companies now why not add the cars.  Also american companies will be more likely to sponsor because bowling is more of an american game.

Fast food places- they're always trying to advertise, and at least neat me, the is a fast food place with in 100 yards of every bowling ally in the city.

Nike- nike just gets more money to everything

Budwiser- Because someone else has poker and most people bowling drink beer

Coke or Pepsi- Because if they aren't having beer they are probably having soda and these two companies always try to out promote the other.

Ebay- Just because

Auto trader- people are always looking for cars

if all else fails, just throw it.

Luck-When skill meets opportunity
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Re: What the PBA needs
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 09:33:38 AM »
What the PBA needs are some attractive people in the stands.  You ever noticed at baseball games about once a inning they will show some hot chick in the crowd.  Well when they show the crowd on a bowling show all you see are older and mostly out of shape people.
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