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Author Topic: why no real THS yesterday  (Read 3314 times)


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why no real THS yesterday
« on: November 24, 2008, 02:12:12 AM »
why are you going to call it the "ultimate scoring championship" and say your going to put a THS out and not do it? scores on tv were the same as usual and now house hacks are thinking more than ever that there as good as they are.



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Re: why no real THS yesterday
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2008, 01:45:20 AM »
That week's schedule to my understanding:

Sunday - Ultimate Scoring Pattern (TQR and Practice)
Monday - Ultimate Scoring Pattern (Qualifying)
Tuesday - Ultimate Scoring Pattern (Match Play)
Wednesday - Chameleon Championship (TQR and Practice)
Thursday - Chameleon Championship (Qualifying)
Friday - Chameleon Championship (Match Play)
Saturday - Pro-Ams (I hear they bowl Pro-Ams on the Ultimate Scoring Pattern)
Sunday - Live Chameleon Finals then Taping of Ultimate Scoring Finals

It was a mistake to have two tournaments in one week.

It was a mistake to try and do two finals on the same pair of lanes on the same day within hours of each other.

It was irresponsible of them to think they could recreate the conditions early in the week when the Chameleon pattern had been used for 3 days prior.