Ahh Brian. Your posts when you are mad are always good for entertainment since logic tends to go right out the window.
You do realize tha the PBA does not have centers all over the country beating down their doors to run a tournament, right? And that the house takes a beating for the week of the tournament with lost open play and league revenue along with the fee they pay the PBA, right? If the centers do things right, they can make up some of it but they certainly aren't profiting by running them. And the PBA certainly isn't going to beg someone to host a tournament. I'm not sure why they aren't stopping in the south more or whatnot. But I bet in some cases it's because the centers didn't want to pony up the money, time, and effort anymore.
Couple other things. Your little "fu fu" Medford stop is only one of if not the best stop on the entire tour. The house does it right and makes the bowlers happy and the town supports them. So we're not Dallas in size but who cares when the house is packed the entire week.
I'd like to see how your 50 lane minimum rule works out too. You might have a 10 stop tour at the most.