What amazes me is that it still exists. It was founded in 1958, when bowling was in its heyday, and continued to grow through the 1980's, during the time of the highest A.B.C. membership.
Sadly, it seems as though the P.B.A. has been on the same steady decline as the A.B.C./U.S.B.C. memberships. When you have the three largest, professional entities struggling for survival, memberships falling, and sponsors bailing out, it doesn't look good.
What would even amaze me more would be if they find a way to survive for much longer. Bowling used to be an amazing sport that required great talent that could be appreciated. Now almost anybody can hook a ball and average more than the greats of yesterday. How are we supposed to admire people whose achievments are so easily surpassed?
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein