Here goes my thoughts of today's show.
Norm Duke -- This guy is definitely an all around wonderful person. Only hypes it up when it really counts and his look today on the lanes with the SpitFire and Ace made it that much easier for him. I really thought he wasn't going to pull it out since Mika seemed to have a really good look in the title match. I also thought the pocket 4-10 split had knocked the wind out of him but being a pro, he proves that you go out there and rebound to win! A close match, definitely got a lot of viewers I'm sure for this show! Way to go DUKE!!!
Mika -- Guy really made the Blazing Inferno look good on the condition. Him and Duke dominated their first round tv matches and I was figuring these two to be in the title match although nothing is ever certain. Mika shouldn't be disappointed with his performance today, has really made some positive changes to his game! It just goes to show though, one mistake can make a huge difference in a championship match with it all on the line! I expect to see more of Mika this season as well!
Michael Haugen Jr. -- For a guy bowling off his emotions he really kept himself in check and got a couple of lucky breaks in the first few frames against Duke. Shooting 233 in an losing effort is always a downer but I really wouldn't be disappointed because losing to Duke who is a well established player would have certainly been an honor in my eyes. Haugen I believe will be another one who makes another show and win his first title just like Machuga, Malott, and Reyes have done!
Steve Rogers -- Captain America! The guy definitely has the ability to throw the ball well and I feel if he would've gotten the breaks (which I thought he deserved) instead of the ones that didn't fall for him, I felt it would've been definitely more of an interesting and very close first round match between him and Mika. The guy got my attention, a great style and a great attitude to go along with it makes me believe this guy has what it takes. Hopefully the dream will live on eventually one day in the form of a title!
Just my opinions guys, glad to see Duke win it though! I'm definitely a fan! God Bless and have a great week!
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