Im gonna catch some negativity for this BUT I believe the shot may be to hard for tv. Well not hard but this surface is quite honestly just causing havoc. I mean a street rod pearl, natural, and cool noize on scorpion. Now for the drama thing. While yes tough lane conditions may show who the better bowler is on that given day it also shreds the chance of drama. When a match is close it''s not really about who will step up and WIN it. But who will linger around and stay in it til the other person screws up. Who thought people were gonna step up and go pack pack pack to win anything today? Yes I know it has happened. Devaney''s clutch double and Ronnie Russell last week and then O''Neill after that. Who thought that was the most exciting part of the whole world series so far? I did. and why is that. People stepped up and WON a dang title. They didnt just stay clean and watch the other person miss (albeit not by much with these lane condidtions) Yes if Im bowling out there I would like difficult conditions and its exciting however, honest to god if I''m watching bowling I wanna believe that a person can step up and make real good shots not perfect shots and strike out to win or something like that.
Just think, whats more exciting someone stepping up and needed a double to win when scores are like 180 - 190 (meaning a double is highly unlikely) or someone needed one or two hits with a little bit of room. You believe anything can happen, ring ten maybe a solid 8 (Randy Pedersen anybody? one of the most popular videos of all time). Thats where the big moments come from. Hope someone sees what I''m trying to convey here but all you have to ask yourself to realize there was little drama was, did you forsee someone stepping up and making 3 perfect shots to win a match, did u believe that it could happen? And if you believe that the 10th frame between Russell and O''Neill was the best part on TV yet this season then I believe you need to agree with me lol. Just my opninion guys. Sorry for the long post.
Edited on 11/29/2009 3:08 PM