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Author Topic: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling  (Read 20047 times)


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Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:08:58 PM »
Why is she in the TOC?  I know she is a great bowler, but she never won a PBA tournament.  She might have won a women's series event/major, but I just don't get why they put her in there.  

All the other guys in the TOC had to defeat some of their fellow competitors at some point to earn a spot.  But Kulick never won a title bowling against any of the other TOC bowlers.  She beat a bunch of women in the Women's World Championship at the WSOB.



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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2010, 10:29:43 AM »
Shelly, do you think the PBA members have a say in anything that the PBA leadership says or wants?  Oh, you said they could decline showing up and lose the guaranteed money, that we all know they really need.  Be real!  The PBA membership (the exempt bowlers) will do anything that they are asked.  Why?  Because they need the money!  And for most of them, this is their only source on income.  This is not about Kelly or any other women bowler, its about the lame leadership of the PBA.  I guess the real question is, was the Womens tournament a PBA event?  I did no think it was and if it wasn't, then she has no right bowling in the PBA Tournament of Champions.


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2010, 10:30:13 AM »
Kelly is a great bowler but I don't think she will win a match under the lights, just my 2 cents
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Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2010, 10:35:56 AM »
Great for Kelly!  In your opinion she did not belong.  Evidence shows that by being the second seed that she did indeed belong in the group.  Thats JMO.


It is the PBA Tournament of Champions. She is not a champion so how does she belong? Evidence would be a prior championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She did win the women''s World Series of Bowling Championship..   That was the title that got her into the tournament.  That was a decision made by the PBA therefore she was a champion and won her way into the tournament.  You may not like but get over it because those are the facts.  

For those that feel they got bumped out if they had won a title more recently they would have been bowling in the tournament.  


Edited on 1/23/2010 11:43 AM


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2010, 10:50:52 AM »
Shelly, do you think the PBA members have a say in anything that the PBA leadership says or wants?  Oh, you said they could decline showing up and lose the guaranteed money, that we all know they really need.  Be real!  The PBA membership (the exempt bowlers) will do anything that they are asked.  Why?  Because they need the money!  

I agree with you 100%.  It's a shame that the PBA is what it is now.  The control is out of the players hands and the owners change the rules every year to try to boost their profits.  Some of those changes are bad (all match-play, which they've fixed), some are good.  I like the Women's series.  It will take time to be built back to what the PWBA was 15-20 years ago.  Right now it's the same half dozen women who make every show and win every title week-in, week-out.

I agree that realistically, no one is going to decline their invitation to the TOC in protest over the rules.  It is a shame that they are in a position that they would have to sell their principles for a paycheck.

Nevertheless, I believe that the only-PBA-champs-allowed idea is long gone.  Even in the 90s they were inviting winners from non-PBA events to bowl the TOC.  The RPI and the RPC are major events on the regional level and the guys that bowl those tournaments have already beaten out a considerable number of bowlers just to bowl, the winner has beaten the best regional players. It is no small feat to win those tournaments and the PBA leadership has decided that doing so is worth a turn to bowl with the big boys.  

Likewise for the senior bowlers.  It seems reasonable to argue that this years Senior Masters (or whatever) winner is just as worthy of bowling as someone who won a TOC title in 1972 and has done nothing since then.

They've been inviting title winners from non-national Tour events for a while.  The only reason anyone cares this year is because Kelly Kulick is the #2 seed for the show.  If she'd finished 60th, no one would care.  You can't search the archives to find people complaining last year about the RPI winner getting to bowl the TOC because until this year, no one seemed to notice.



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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2010, 11:50:48 AM »

Last time I checked Kelly Kubrick was still in the top five. I don''t know how crow taste, but some people are going to have to eat some. I love it.


Edited on 1/23/2010 4:14 PM


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2010, 12:07:16 PM »
Truth is I will, as usual, probably be out bowling on Sunday. I do suspect that if Kelly Kulick is on TV, she won''t miss two single pin spares in a game

I have seen her bowl in a couple of Asian tournaments and was struck by how much more power the Asian gals had but I didn''t see her missing spares the way the guys have been lately, or go with really dumb ball choices either.

Truth is, the better gals can beat the better guys if the guys give them any opening at all - the gals aren''t exactly league bowlers.

Edited on 1/23/2010 1:08 PM


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2010, 12:51:14 PM »
Some of these responses amaze me. The PBA is a business that markets just like any other business.

The PBA gets to select its own definition of "champion." The criteria was set before Kulick won the WSOB. She won the spot, she should be bowling and bowling she is.

I do not agree that the professional men are necessarily better than the women as a group. It is more to it than just being able to throw the ball well.  For sure, PW proved that point this week, and CB has proved it over and over and over again.

I  was pulling for Weber. But now, I would like to see Barnes win. However,  I like Kulick's chances.

I think that all of the women PBA winners should be allowed to bowl. Then you would be able to see how they match up, at least for the particular week of the TOC on the shot put down.
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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2010, 01:04:17 PM »
bottom line is PBA sucks they do anything they can think of to possibly boost ratings
I hate when they show the womens finals during the mens matches
Kelly has no business bowling in the TOC
big deal she beat a bunch of sub par womens bowlers (compared to the mens division) in the WSOB,
and we all know this sport is about matching up to the right conditions etc. for the week of qualifying in order to make the finals
so yeah she matched up better than almost all the guys out there this week
but that does not mean she is better than them

she does not belong in the event period.
If I was 1 of the men that got bumped off the list and I won a PBA tournament for her I would be very very aggravated at the PBA

I also dont believe the Regional slot or the Senior slot should exist either

You sir are a moron I bet the worst women on tour would mop you by at least 25+ pins a game.
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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2010, 01:06:44 PM »
Wasnt it only a few years ago when the PWBA folded, that Kelly Kulick was the only Female who made the Exempt tour by qualifying in the Tour Trials???  

I do believe she has the skills to play with the Men.. I believe only a couple of the women have the talent to play with the Men, Kelly being one of them and Liz Johnson being the other...  

And doesnt the PBA own the PWBA now??  so the PBA can do whatever they want when it comes to the TOC.  As for them inviting a RPI and Seniors champ too, i dont see a problem with it as long as the PBA made that choice before the season started..
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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2010, 01:31:30 PM »
like stated before just because she''s bowling well does not mean she earned her spot in the tournament
you can put an amateur in the event and he can match up well to the conditions and win
does that mean he earned his spot in the TOC if he''s never bowled in a PBA tournament before ?

Edited on 1/23/2010 2:34 PM


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2010, 01:39:37 PM »
You sir are a moron I bet the worst women on tour would mop you by at least 25+ pins a game.

Thats a pretty bold statement being that you dont know me
but honestly if I did compete full time and had the resources and backing like she does I bet I could be just as good if not better than her

My point is she did not earn that spot to bowl in this tournament
and secondly women bowling is boring
Im just not interested in watching the women slide the ball down the lane at 15mph
I just dont care for it


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2010, 01:40:45 PM »
1.If Barnes wins it's a feather in his cap,regardless of who he beats.
2.If Barnes loses,there'll be more choking talk.
3.If Barnes loses to KK,it'll REALLY be talked about as a world class choke(and yes, I'm FULLY aware he'd beat me 199 out of 200 games).
4.ESPN isn't doing so good either. They've started running paid ad shows in late night slots on Classic Sports Channel and other ESPN owned channels.
5.We all know the PBA is desperate,and will NEVER get back to the glory days of the Saturday afternoon shows. There's wayyyy too much money in NCAA sports for the networks to pass up.
6. Personally, I'm not sure of my own feelings about KK bowling without a title.I don't like that the women can bowl in the men's national,but we can't bowl in theirs. Chauvinist sounding I know,but let them keep their own titles and such. At the end of the year,put the mens #1 against the women #1 ,#2 against #2,etc.
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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2010, 01:49:24 PM »
the wibc acquired the rights and assests of the pwba went they called it quits in 2003. now the usbc has them.


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2010, 03:27:10 PM »
Im actually not going to watch it on TV tomorrow because Im bowling in a tournament over by me

I understand that the womens tour is technically a part of the PBA and the womens WSOB is technically a PBA event
but how many men did Kelly beat to win the Womens WSOB event ?

If everyone male and female both bowled on the same exact tour and participated in the same exact events I would see no problem with her or any other woman being invited to the event

I also read on another board that was quoted from the PBA web site that no of the men finalist made any effort to congratulate Kelly as the final round was finishing up
but they were all hugging and congratulating each other
Im sure the majority of the guys that were in the event feel the same way as some people on here do about her being in the event

I honestly really just see this as another example of the PBA organization going down the tubes
they constantly change or manipulate little things to make what they think will be a better ratings or attract a better audience
when in fact 9 times out 10 they have no idea what theyre doing at all
and the guys that are trying to make a living out on tour are the ones that suffer


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Re: Why is Kelly Kulick bowling
« Reply #60 on: January 23, 2010, 04:51:31 PM »
OK, I just want to clear this up.  So the PBA made the womens WSOB a PBA event even though USBC gave them no money to do so.  And because of this play with words, made the winner of the womens WSOB a PBA champion.  

Did all the women that participated in the WSOB pay their PBA membership fees ? Because if they did not, then how can this be a PBA event and how can they be PBA Champions ?  Yes, I know you can bowl a regional without being a member, but did these same regional rules apply to the womens WSOB ?

The PBA was not in good shape when the new owners took over but unfortunately, because of these new owners, I doubt if the PBA will be around much longer and thats a real shame for everyone.