I understand E.S.P.N. is a company trying to make money, and so is the P.B.A., so localizing the tournaments to eliminate excess travel, thusly saving on big expenses, was a decent concept.
Problem is, they had all of the tournamens virtually back-to-back, then decided to telecast them at a MUCH later date. Anyone who considers themselves a fan of bowling is going to find out who won, that's the secret thats too big to keep.
As an example of the stupidity of this, what if the N.F.L. decided to localize and play all of the Monday night games at one time, at one venue, taping them for broadcast at the appropriate time during the season. Do any of you REALLY think that would work?
Think nobody would find out the winners prematurly? Think it wouldn't effect the standings, or the "unofficial" world of bookmaking? Think fans wouldn't care?
I understand the concept of the W.S.O.B., but having multiple tournaments with multiple winners, then expecting the very fans who love the game not to find out until months later and avidly await the broadcasts, was not realistic on their part and will end up costing them in the long run, I believe.
E.S.P.N. makes much revenue from advertisers, but, who is going to advertise on a show whose limited fan base already knows the outcome of and many of them won't be watching because of that?
Good transactions list in my profile
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein