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Author Topic: Will Pete pass Walter for All-Time Titles on the PBA tour? (Excluding Regional)  (Read 828 times)


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I dont know how many Weber is behind on Walter. Randy said something on the show Sunday stating that Pete Weber thinks he can catch up to Walter and then pass him for the most titles ever. I think if he has the heart and desire it's possible for him. Another thing that scares me is what Pete said about the Special Agent. He said that's the ball he's been waiting for his WHOLE life. Petes an awesome bowler! Look at when he started till now. If he's saying that now, I expect Pete to catch on fire and maybe even pull a couple of seasons like T.J has the past couple of years.

Edited on 11/15/2006 9:51 PM



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i wasn't aware that having a beard or being clean shaven made you a better bowler.......

i do know, however, that too many years of smoking and ingesting various chemicals will shorten your lifespan greatly.....


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i wasn't aware that having a beard or being clean shaven made you a better bowler.......

i do know, however, that too many years of smoking and ingesting various chemicals will shorten your lifespan greatly.....

haha...tis true
Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
Bowl To Win!


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Pete is probably my favorite bowler, but I don't think he's going to pass WRW... However, he will come close. Unfortunately, Pete has been plagued by injury in his career, and as he gets older, the problem is likely to get worse. He's off to a GREAT start this season and hopefully he can take full advantage of this newfound fire!

On a side note, I don't think WRW has many titles left in him. 2, maybe 3 before all is said and done. Pete probably has about 6 or 7 more before he putters out. Either way, it has been and will continue to be an historic rivalry! And, yes... Pete WILL beat WRW in a TV final for one of his coming titles. And it will be THIS SEASON!!!!!!!

Just my opinion.

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The problem with Pete passing Walter is that Walter's a moving target.  Pete's got 9 to catch him (33 to 42), but that assumes that Walter's not going to win any more titles.  I see Walter reaching at least 45.  If he's going to pass him, he really will need to pick up at least five or six in the next two seasons, and he's never done that before.  Even when the tour had 30+ events per year, the best he did (at quick glance) is seven in three years (2-3-2 in '84-6).

I see him passing 40, and barring real injury like two years ago, he'll be competitive past 50 years old.  I think the titles list will go WRW, PDW, Anthony, Roth, PB3.

If or when PDW reaches that 41st title, will we be hearing about how Anthony "really" has 43 because of the two Masters wins?  PDW doesn't have any, so it's hard to point to something like that and try to tear him down like so many people do to WRW.