Well with the tour being off this week, my idol was in town, Orlando that is. I got a phone call yesterday from my friend who works at the bowling ally and he said Amletto Monacelli was in town and was coming in to practice. I coulndn't make it yesterday but went up there today while he was there. Just watched for a while, he was bowling with Andres Gomez(highly ranked amateur). Before I left i just introduced myself and told him how i watched him growing up and was glad to see him back to winning this year. He was very friendly and I was glad i got up the courage to talk to him. I'm considering going up there tomorrow to practice as he'll be there again he said, only if i can get enough studying in tonight.
PS. He was throwing a Classic while I was there, i think i saw an absolute on the rack too.
University of Central Florida + Brunswick = Collegiate Domination