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Author Topic: Women bowling in the TQR and regular tournament  (Read 2625 times)


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Women bowling in the TQR and regular tournament
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:06:57 AM »
Wouldn't it be strange to have a woman bowling on T.V in the finals when the women have their own "womens series".

I mean, if the ladies want to bowl, let them do it. Get in their and beat the guys, earning your way into the show.

There are several of the girls out there who could do it. Liz Johnson, Kelly Kulick, Michelle Feldman, Missy Bellinder, Carolyn Dorin-Ballard are a few names that come to mind.

If you are going to let them into the regular tournament, then they shouldn't be having a "womens series" just to showcase the ladies and if you have a "womens series" specifically for them, they shouldn't be allowed in the regular tqr or tournament.

C'mon P.B.A., are the women regular members or not? And, if you have a "special" division for them, how long before you have to have an "special", hadicap division for men who can't compete at the top scratch level?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the ladies bowling. But I think they should either bowl as a regular member and have to qualify under the regular rules, or opt out and compete in the "womens series". I don't think you should be able to do both because the men don't have that option.

  What made me start thinking is the fact that Liz Johnson is in second place after five games.

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Edited on 12/3/2008 12:07 PM
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Re: Women bowling in the TQR and regular tournament
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2008, 05:49:26 PM »

If this "Special" series or division exists, then how do you try to explain that some women are good enough for the regular tour and some aren't?  And then try to explain the logic in catering to the few women who want to make money bowling, but aren't good enough to compete on the regular tour, taking potential prize money out of the pockets of the regular tour players who ARE good enough?

The women paid $750 to compete for twelve spots, the 4 title winners from last season earned an automatic pass to exempt.  I am not certain about this year, but I believe last year the USBC bankrolled at least in part the Women's Series.  Also this year the women had to become PBA members, last year they did not require them to purchase their card.  So they have put more money into the PBA this year than last.

 All I am getting at ( and people seem to keep missing the point ) is that the "womens series" exists to highlight the most talented women bowlers. But, if the best ones are capable of competing with, and beating, the men on the regular tour, why have a "special" womens event?

I don't think anyone is missing your point, some of us just don't agree with it and are stating why.  You feel like the women have more opportunity than the men to compete at a high level.  As I stated earlier, if they had as many women allowed to participate, an open qualifier for each tournament, then I would agree with you.  They do not, making the "Men's" PBA the only option.

As far as the Women's Series featuring the BEST, with only 12 coming from the Tour Qualifiers you are not necessarily going to get all of the best.  It is the best 12 over the 5 days of the US Women's Open/ Tour Qualifier that will be featured in the Women's Series.  When and if they can grow the Women's Series into a full blown tour, then I can see them keeping everyone separate, but until then this is the best option.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.  That is what the P.B.A. is trying to do.  They need to either validate the "womens series" by having ALL competing women in it, or do away with it and let ALL the women compete in the TQR's and regular tournaments if they wish to bowl.

Why do they have to do away with it.  Consider it a step to growing a separate tour for the women and deal with the perceived unfairness that women can be in either tournament for the interim period.  If a woman competes with the men and does not cash, is there a problem with her donating to the men?  I think not, so if she happens to cash, more power to her.


I, personally, would like to see the women get their own tour back and not have to be a "sideshow" to the P.B.A. circus.

On this we agree 100%.  I was disgusted this past Sunday to hear them interview Malott through the first 5 frames of the Women's final.  It was as if the women's bowling was just something to fill the picture.  

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