I've seen a lot, and i mean a lot, of people come out to bowl the PTQ's just strictly for the experience and the chance to say that they did it. The PTQ is the perfect arena for somebody to do that since the entry fee is lower, the field isnt nearly as strong, and the crowds are smaller.
I watched this guy bowl a little......i say go for it if thats what you want to do. My only advice to guys like this is to know the rules, above anything else. The last thing you want to be is a distraction to those around you, because you may be crossing with or next to somebody that is bowling for a living instead of the fun of it
......and by the way, there are no average restrictions to bowl a PTQ as a non-member, so this guy could have been a below 190 average bowler. Besides, he picked a bad week to bowl because the pattern certainly wasnt easy
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter
www.stormbowling.comwww.jeffcarterbowling.comEdited on 11/13/2006 10:21 AM