You people that think the flop was so wrong, I have to disagree with you. What is bowling without all the side shows that goes with it? It's just bowling that people have drawn away from. This bring ENTERTAINMENT to the sport again. I think it might be one of the greatest act in the sport. I bet the next time he bowls you'll be wanting to see him do the 'flop' again. Im pretty sure he will not be injured as been told he has done it several times. I have to respect anyone that is willing to sacrafice there body to put on a good show!
Now I have to agree that what Ernie Schlegel did to Randy Pederson was totally wrong! When you are talking a bunch of trash on live TV, that is due for the next weeks payperview match with the boxing gloves. Its one thing to talk trash, and then to do something is another. It probably would of been better if Ernie would of done the chicken dance than run around saying 'O my god, O my god, I cant believe it' and whatever else he was saying.
I wounder if Walter Ray can do the electric slide?
