Im just saying no one wants to see the 150 on tv, period, that is why the PBA is a sinking ship, yes I am showing signs of my age and knowledge, What do u think is keeping bowling centers alive today, the common or casual bowler who doesnt know about PAP, Suface adjustments, hand adjustments. As far as respecting the sport, I do more than you know, the problem is with things like the Machuga flop, that was the dumbest thing Ive seen ever, then there were probably people like you that tried it. If I am what is wrong with the PBA why dont we go bowl on and pattern of your choice and see who respects who after, as stated I said in my opinion, you took that as a insult to you I guess and yous stand left shoot right idea of bowling. And yes how is golf doing without tiger woods playing well, its in the toilet. Give him back his hoes and watch the ratings rise.