This is an excellent post to this thread of too much other nonsense, no matter what brace or not you wear some skill is involved.
I agree the fancy braces add tilt and cupping, I prefer the striker or Mongoose style which helps my weaker wrists project the ball down too a consistent break point.
So you could have an entire thread on the mechanical arm style brace versus the braces just for support.
Btw you are 210lbs Necromancer and only benching 225 lbs, I am fat and out of shape and still put up that much. I was 168 lbs when my warm up sets were 225 lbs, I am now a fat pig at 262 lbs so to me that is not even my own weight hahaha
So your FIGJAM on your body is funny, it was funny to me watching these guys come work out and worry about body fat ratio's and such. I also leg pressed 1050 lb's probably why my flipping knees are so shot now, so the long term effects of too much body punishment are not worth the outcome.
There are many bowlers with big muscles and smaller wrists by genetics.
There are also many woman who do to anatomy(they have much more muscle on their outer forearm) and lack of relative upper body strength need wrist braces to hook the ball easily!
I believe the operative word for some users of wrist braces is consistency.
I know in my case I hook it more WITHOUT a wrist brace I got a wrist brace to improve my directness on the left side! It helped!
I know many woman who bowl dramatically better with a wrist brace and even believe some of the woman pros who switch back and forth look much better with them.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..