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Author Topic: WSOB Chameleon  (Read 16199 times)


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WSOB Chameleon
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:35:23 PM »
Does anyone else have a problem believing in a level playing field when
3 right-handers can't shoot above 203, and the sole left-hander can't shoot below
235?  I'm not here to stoke the usual flames about lefties always having an easier
lane condition, because that simply isn't true.  Some would argue that the pattern
just breaks down that way, but this is hard to believe when the number of games
bowled on the pair is only 6!  If a pattern can't hold up equitably for lefties and righties over a measly 6 games, it simply shouldn't be used.  Watching this particular telecast, I am reminded again of what a lousy job the PBA is doing marketing the sport--let's not forget the lack of live coverage, and how about the recent posting that only Dexter shoes will be allowed on Tour?  I haven't checked, but they're probably owned by Storm. Is this kind of totalitarian clubbiness really necessary?
It really looks bad.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 09:21:30 PM by redtop »



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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #46 on: December 23, 2013, 07:51:38 PM »
The lefty played up the track. That is why I said it. I bet it would not be difficult to lay down a fresh pattern after each match.


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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #47 on: December 23, 2013, 08:20:25 PM »
I wrote a TL;DR post and erased it. This is one TV final out of how many in the history of the sport? Just as often as a lefty having a great look and trainwrecking the other finalists, the only lefty on the show wont be able to find a look and promptly gets sent home a runner up.

To address the numerous suggestions to reoil, Transition always has been, always will be, and always should be, the most important part of bowling. The shots in game 9 are just as valuable as the shots in game one. I've made my fair share of money with big games late in sets, and have historically struggled on fresh. To bowl on absolute fresh every game takes away from the importance of a bowler to be able to judge transition, and judging transition is how they got there in the first place


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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2013, 10:23:45 PM »
Makes sense. Still l don't see playing golf against you with you on a put put course and me on a masters course as a fair test of our comparable skills.


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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2013, 06:22:34 PM »
Come back next week, your course will be easier :)

They could probably lay down the same pattern on the same pair of lanes the next day, and the righties take a different strategy in practice and they play easier, and we dont see the murdering that we did.

Lets also not rule out the possibility that ciminelli was simply beyond locked in for 3 games on TV. We've all seen bowlers throw 250s with no room for error because they are throwing unexplainably great shots every single shot.


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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2014, 05:18:16 PM »
I'm late to the party it seems. But let me add this:
Re-oiling after every game is stupid. Adjusting to the changing shot is a big part of bowling and should not be lost. Plus, it takes away from the "fairness" some of you are looking for. Every house has it's own topography. From when the lanes were built and how they have changed from years (or decades in some cases) of play. This factors into how the ball reacts. If you reoil, you could give one side, or the other an even greater advantage. And let's not even discuss the cost of oil needed to do that. Let's just agree this is something to forget.
Practice time before a show. It has always amazed me the amount of practice time the PBA bowlers received on the TV pair prior to the start of competition. In the past, the bowling balls would not make that much of an impact on the pattern, even with time. But today's balls can blow open a pattern in a matter of minutes. Add in the TV lights and the heat they generate and you can easily destroy a pattern. Limiting this time, as has been mentioned here a few times is a good thing. But it won't stop them from changing the shot based on today's balls and the added help the lights give. It's going to happen. The people who deal with it best will win.
What you saw here goes back to a topic in the USBC section around working together. When you have bowlers with different styles all trying to do their own thing, you wind up making the pattern play harder than it should. That is what happened on the right side here. If the 3 right handers would have worked together, they could have broken the lanes down in a more controlled fashion and perhaps given themselves a better look. There have been many times where Randy has spoken about how the righties talked before the show and  tried to work together in order to not make it so easy on the one or two lefties on the show. They want to work together so they don't interfere with each other and create an incredibly hard scoring pattern. The bowler, no matter which hand they throw with, still need to execute and make good shots, but they aren't hindering themselves from the start.
Lastly, how many people remember a few years ago, when the lefties were dominating. PA, Jason Couch, Parker Bohn seemed to be on TV every week. The next year, I think there was only 1 lefty that made a TV show. Since then, the PBA has done a good job of putting out as fair a shot as possible when it comes to right vs. left. If the PBA was trying to make anything happen, it would be to have Belmo on every single show, as he is the bowler they are trying to make the face of the PBA. So those of you who think there is really some conspiracy going on here, I have got one thing to say to you......get real, grow up, and stop whining about something you obviously know nothing about.
Now back to your regularly scheduled insanity


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Re: WSOB Chameleon
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2014, 06:36:14 PM »
Jorge, why is reoiling after each game of a stepladder final stupid?  Why oil at all?

Do you think it makes sense to assume that the right handed bowlers in a stepladder final are going to take time to discuss a plan to break down the right side of the lanes? If so, why should they have to? The obvious answer is so that they will have a shot that is as playable as the left side.

Why not just give each bowler in the stepladder the same shot at the start. Then they each can focus on how they break the lane down and how they execute shot.

The present system where the sole lefty is bowling the equivalent of a putt putt golf course while the fourth righty is bowling on a master's level course created with all the sand traps, and fast runs, by the right handed bowler that preceded him, seems, if one must say, "stupid."