I still maintain that these players are of approximately equal talent; otherwise they wouldn't be there. Their skill levels, if allowed expression, could never produce the huge disparity in scoring seen at the Chameleon event. And then we would have competitive, close matches worth watching. What, all three righties had a bad hair day? Judging from the Chameleon results, obviously the amount of practice prior to each match, in combination with the 3-1 imbalance in bowler handedness, did indeed compromise the "integrity" of the pattern. How about everyone restricted to practice on a separate pair (if possible; arena settings often preclude this)? Bowlers at this level really just need to loosen up, and can learn ENOUGH by watching the ball reaction of same-handed others. A sole lefty or rightie already has the advantage of being the only one on the road. Advancing by winning matches thus has the added EARNED bonus of gaining familiarity with the pair, and the TV pair itself has a better chance of playing neutral.