It's obvious from Charles original post, and subsequent debate, the PBA got the result they wanted...I think. I made a comment on the PBA board that all Ritchie needed was a 12 pack of Busch and a spit cup to complete the outfit. In saying that, I alluded to the much needed corporate sponsorship to keep the PBA afloat financially, and of course I was bombarded with the obligatory "You must be jealous & shoe up or shut up" responses.
Like Charles, I didn't attack Ritchie's bowling ability or skill, but did question his choice of TV attire. I also asked if he was speaking Southern in the pre-match interview, however, I was corrected, and told it was ebonics. My point being, as an ad agency exec interested in selling mainstream products for my client, the PBA on ESPN isn't on my radar. And I'm sure the suits who own the "New Exempt Denny's PBA Tour" would prefer the players to project a professional image so they can attract more advertising dollars and increase their ROI.
And to respond to the Beatles/Ed Sullivan analogy...the Beatles sold albums because they were talented and wrote good songs...not because they had long hair and dressed funny.