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Author Topic: could this be one reason...  (Read 2591 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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could this be one reason...
« on: June 25, 2003, 06:02:03 AM »
I do not believe this, but maybe the average league bowler may think so...
The PWBA has been saying since the beginning of last season how difficult the conditions are (am I am sure they are) and how great the women are (which I tend to agree that they are probably better than most of us see). But do you think the average league bowler actually believes they are that good when the scores end up being low on the telecast?
I kind of put this in the same category that I would have put the WNBA last season when they started using the "they are better than you" or something like that slogan. There is no doubt in my mind that the WNBA and PWBA women are better at their sports than most. But do you think that a guy watching TV wants to keep hearing or maybe even it is a hit to his ego that a women may be better than him?
One thing that does bother me is that on the PWBA telecasts is that they always stress the ATHLETE part of it. I agree that the women are athletes, but if they actually think that everyone looks at them in that way they would not have to keep saying it over and over and over. I do not think I have ever heard a PBA telecast state the men were athletes, and certainly they did not stress it like the the broadcasters do for the women. The part that bothers me is that they feel that have to keep saying it.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2003, 09:56:01 PM »
I think that's why they are also trying to emphasize that they are bowling on the sport bowling conditions.

I think most league bowlers by now know what sport bowling is.


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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2003, 10:22:26 PM »
I think that's why they are also trying to emphasize that they are bowling on the sport bowling conditions.

I think most league bowlers by now know what sport bowling is.

And several weeks ago, they kept mentioning the "puddle of oil" in the middle for the reason everyone was flagging 10 pins.  How do you get a puddle of oil on a sport shot?  Remember the show last year where Wendy Macpherson tried to throw it in the gutter repeatedly, but the lanes wouldn't let her?  I'd like to see some of the tapes.

I personally don't think very many league bowlers (at least around here) know a sport shot from a hole in their ....  Every time scores are down, must have been a "sport shot.  Nope, couldn't have been me that sucked.
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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2003, 10:40:38 PM »

Strider, to answer your question about the puddle, there have been some events where the reverse pass was simply a small area somewhere around the arrows.  This was usually done at the events with guardian up front or where the heads were otherwise noted for real early burn.  The puddle can be put down in such a way as to continue maintain a sport compliant ratio.  The events I have bowled that did not have the "puddle" tended to be a forward only application with buff to the end distance.

I can't offer much in the way of commentary about last week since I wasn't there and haven't talked with anyone about the graph...however the concern I have with the scorefest is that it will kill off some of the amateur and regional entries over the remaining events.  Not all will be willing to spend the $$$ to enter a carry contest...


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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2003, 11:49:41 PM »
Michelle, thanks for the answer.  I have read about the puddle used with guardian and how it's necessary/very helpful.  It still seems hard to believe how a small enough puddle to remain sport compliant could affect shooting 10 pins so much.  They seemed to have a lot of room to hit the pocket.  Maybe more of them need a flatter release for corner pins.  I am a guardian virgin, so maybe I'm an idiot.
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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2003, 12:21:40 AM »
I must state that I believe that Women and Men are closer in bowling than in just about any sport I can think of.  (Except in finding a new signinficant other before the last teardrop falls woman are clearly superior!)

The political correctness contained in these statements above is as sickening as the hushed up coverage of Laura Davies playing in a men's tournament from the same tees in 1999.  Never heard of it?  You won't because the media buried it.  ? Her performance was horrendous!

Annika Sorenstam has just put on probably her greatest performance of her carreer in the midst of incredible hoopla she plays probably the best rounds of her life two weeks ago at the Colonial!!!!


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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2003, 02:14:27 AM »
The PWBA is all screwed up.  I loved how they tried to blame the pattern on missing 10 pins, geez.  If the women would throw it STRAIGHT, that might help.  I could throw a Super Carbide Bomb at a 10 and get it every time.  That way the "oil puddle" wouldn't mess with my shot, lol.  I cannot BELIEVE how they played that shot, they couldn't throw it in the gutter if they wanted to.  The only person I thought should have moved right was Marianne.  Her shot looks too unmatchable unless there's dry somewhere.  The speed and combination of the way her ball is rolling, it's got side roll AND axis tilt, that's just a recipe for a washout if you don't have some dry somewhere.  I hated watching her ball fight to hook.  Carolyn had my carry problems, I SO understood her.  I started out last night on our sport pattern league, struck, spared and opened, then I went on a tear.  Next 6 shots were dead flush.  Left a 7 and a 9 right in the middle of it all.  The 6 best shots I've thrown in that league to date, and the best I got was a double.  

Cheryl should have moved inside a bit and bounced it off the dry.  She had too much side roll though.  The few times she got it out too far, that ball PICKED UP.  I think Liz Johnson could have moved left.  And Wendy just needs to be shot sometimes.  I'm sorry, but I just can't stand watching her bowl.  She just chucks the ball out there, and it fights to hook too.  Not to mention the hair that HAS TO GO.  I can't imagine Michelle Feldman didn't make the show, that was her shot.  Stand left, throw right, hit pocket.  Bingo.
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Re: could this be one reason...
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2003, 08:10:56 AM »
Michelle, thanks for the answer.  I have read about the puddle used with guardian and how it's necessary/very helpful.  It still seems hard to believe how a small enough puddle to remain sport compliant could affect shooting 10 pins so much.  

If its any consolation, you aren't the only one that questions that statement...especially given the continual harping about using plastic precisely to take the lane out of play!