The PWBA is all screwed up. I loved how they tried to blame the pattern on missing 10 pins, geez. If the women would throw it STRAIGHT, that might help. I could throw a Super Carbide Bomb at a 10 and get it every time. That way the "oil puddle" wouldn't mess with my shot, lol. I cannot BELIEVE how they played that shot, they couldn't throw it in the gutter if they wanted to. The only person I thought should have moved right was Marianne. Her shot looks too unmatchable unless there's dry somewhere. The speed and combination of the way her ball is rolling, it's got side roll AND axis tilt, that's just a recipe for a washout if you don't have some dry somewhere. I hated watching her ball fight to hook. Carolyn had my carry problems, I SO understood her. I started out last night on our sport pattern league, struck, spared and opened, then I went on a tear. Next 6 shots were dead flush. Left a 7 and a 9 right in the middle of it all. The 6 best shots I've thrown in that league to date, and the best I got was a double.
Cheryl should have moved inside a bit and bounced it off the dry. She had too much side roll though. The few times she got it out too far, that ball PICKED UP. I think Liz Johnson could have moved left. And Wendy just needs to be shot sometimes. I'm sorry, but I just can't stand watching her bowl. She just chucks the ball out there, and it fights to hook too. Not to mention the hair that HAS TO GO. I can't imagine Michelle Feldman didn't make the show, that was her shot. Stand left, throw right, hit pocket. Bingo.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!