Rev Rate - 325
Ball Speed - 18.5
PAP - 4-1/2" over, 7/16" up
Drilled this ball 50 x 4.5 x 50
Finish - Box, matte finish
This ball is very mellow for me overall, but creates a nice continuous, smooth motion. I have found it is too early and mellow for my higher ball speed on most house shots to score well. However, I bowled on a pretty flat 37' pattern last weekend at a tournament and this was the ball of choice to start. The backends were on fire. I found with this ball at the factory finish, it cleared the fronts nicely, and then created a controllable back end movement that was plenty strong but not too much. The response to friction is very gradual for me, which comes in handy on these fresh patterns, as long as the pattern is not too tight overall.