As long as hook potential is what sells balls, they will continue to give them more and more.
Chicks dig the hook ball
The problem doesn't start with the ball makers, it starts with the bowlers. If we would stop buying the stuff like its going out of style, there wouldn't be nearly as much of it going on.
Ball tech should've stopped in the late 1980's, maybe even 1991 at the latest, but it didn't, and this is where we are now.
And the argument that "technology has made the game better" doesn't work. Up to a point, technology did improve things, but after that point was achieved, changes stopped being improvements, and started being change for changes sake.
The 55 inch tv I have is a great technological improvement over the 20 inch black & white we had when I was a kid, but that doesn't mean I need a 500 inch set with 50,000,000 megapixel capability.
At some point, enough is enough, and anything added beyond that is just too da*n much.
Sorry for hijacking the thread Phil. Youre a really smart guy, and I really loved some of the old TRACK stuff when you were there, and I realize you're just trying to survive and compete in todays marketplace, I just lament the fact that this is where it has gone and what it takes to do so.
Good luck in the future.