I had put this thread behind me a month ago since there was no point going in circles, but since it was bumped up again...
I do NOT just look at pictures on the layout sheets and think that is where the pin HAS to be. I'm more knowledgeable than that. The first question I had was about the motion hole placement distance, which was answered by Phil (thank you).
Second question had to do with the usage of dual angle on the fix for motion hole. It is NOT used for normal motion hole layouts. The PAP is only used to determine where to place the pin, either above the ring or beside. Can you place it elsewhere? Of course you can! And I have. But that is beyond the point. I just wondered why it was being laid out differently here. No pictures swaying my thoughts - simply layout method.
I did later realize that 3 asymmetric layouts are the same for this ball. C is no hole. D is motion hole. E is double thumb. Assuming I'm remembering correctly without looking. So no, not the same as the normal motion hole layout. And yes, the normal motion hole layout could be used. But again, not the point.
Anyway, I participated in the facebook session with Mo, and he answered my questions. I asked him about blueprint and he said you can't duplicate this in blueprint and no other ball allows for as great of difference in ball motion than the fix. He said to email him directly if you question him and he will provide you with all the evidence. If you continue to believe it is marketing, then that is your choice.
I'm not even sure I'm buying the ball anymore. But I definitely put more trust in what Mo says over what some random people on these boards say.