Very nice. I continue to really like this ball two weeks in. I had a bit of a rough night at league, but that was my throwing; out of sorts most of the night but finished striking 7 of the last 8.
Friday my son and I went to the lane where we will be doing an adult junior tourney today. This house is heavier than where we normally play, and so the first two games I was going back and forth between my two balls looking for right line and release. By the end of game two I settled on the TA at a particular spot. I don't remember the exact scores for games 3-5 but it was something like 236-244-246. A 720-something series.
I have NEVER thrown three games in a row for a 700 before. Game 6 was a 200 and I'm pretty sure I've never thrown four straight games of 200 or better. I have a 192 average. Hopefully I keep it going at the tourney today.
Just a great ball.