I have been spending a lot of my time lately working on my lighter oil part of my bag. When I read up on the New Cash I was very excited to see how this ball matched up against the other front end pieces that has came from the factory. The Cash was drilled 50 x 4 x 40. Used it on a few longer patterns and also THS. I was very pleased with the overall performance of this ball. I really enjoyed how it would go into another gear in the mids and changed direction with outstanding carry. As long as I stayed in the oil this ball kept coming and driving extremely hard. I'm a low rev player so this ball was really made for me in a lot of ways. I was able to open the lane up well without any effort. In league I was able to use the Cash in all three games. Just kept making 2-2 moves the whole night and it kept crushing the pocket. This ball is 5 boards stronger off the spot than the Guru series. The Guru line seem to me to set up sooner, (Master Guru) and the Cash seem to get down lane a little more. In regards to hook/backend is where you really see the difference. You have to see the ball motion this ball provides. No wonder this ball changed the hook rating and set the bar higher than anyone would expect a ball to be rated. Since using the Cash I haven't been able to put it down. When I can't get any further left or the motion is too much I pull out The Fix and back in business again.
Thanks again Mo and Phil for staying ahead of the curve.