This ball has drastically changed the bowling ball as we once knew it, the flip core is very ingenious, which allows the ball to be drilled as an asymmetric or symmetric ball. I ordered two of these and drilled one asymmetric and the other symmetric. This ball has provisions to be frilled 12 different ways, no other ball in the industry allows such a variance. Based on my personal PAP,Axis Tilt,Rev Rate and ball speed I drilled one Asymetric F using a dual layout of 65x3 3/4x30 and the second one Symetric C using a layout of 90x3 3 3/4x80 . drilled them this way for my league bowling in two leagues which is a very poor house shot with a 40 ft flat pattern. both balls work exceptionally well, they both react completely different but the results from both are incredible. The Asym F is my typical choice for bowling balls which I prefer the flip and back angular motion which this ball provides and the Symetric C is so smooth and predictable but still delivers the drive and carry in a much different way.You could in most cases get way with carrying just these two balls and compete in most leagues at a very high level. Again the genius of Pfil Cardinale and Mo Pinel have done it again,They just keep making bowling much easier for the common recreational bowler, they have simplified and have made the game fun again, this ball is a #1 recommendation to all bowlers as I see it, your pro shop certified usbc ball fitter can customize a fitting that will be your own. no other bowling ball can you do this with, it's my opinion the Radical Bowling Balls will make 90% of all bowlers better and they will have much more fun bowling.