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Author Topic: Reax V2 vs Yeti Untamed  (Read 2039 times)

Monster Stitch

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Reax V2 vs Yeti Untamed
« on: November 27, 2013, 01:10:38 PM »
Hello guys! I am going to drill a Reax V2 soon and i was wondering if you can tell me how it compares to the Untamed. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences if you have one or the other or both. Thanks in advance.


Brandon Riley

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Re: Reax V2 vs Yeti Untamed
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 04:09:22 PM »
I have thrown both and the Reax2 is reads earlier and can handle more oil.  It is quite clean for an asym and has a strong arc at the breakpoint but I wouldn't consider it skid/snap.  I see it being quite close to the Hell Raiser Terror.
The Yeti Untamed is clearly longer and makes a much harder move off of the friction.  It is flippier than my Diva but with a similar amount of overall hook.
Brandon Riley
Brunswick Regional Staff

Monster Stitch

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Re: Reax V2 vs Yeti Untamed
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 04:12:55 PM »
Brandon: Thanks for the response. They both sound like they would compliment each other.