I've tried asymetrical equipment before. When Track was in SA, I used the Xception, the Rule series, the Machine. Then I tried the 900 Global stuff of the Break Series, the Bank series, and then The Look. Then their AMF stuff of the Clutch series. I also tried the original Mission from Ebonite. Out of all of those, the Xception, Break Out, and the Mission rolled were the ones i had success with. The best symmetrical balls I've ever thrown was the Arsenal Artillery. I lean more toward symmetrical equipment now. Not sure why.
Tommymo- I do track high with little tilt, I haven't read up on the Motion Hole and I'm sure the information I need is on bowlingchat, but in a nut shell, how would this help someone with a high track? I've read some posts on here that mention the motion hole just makes the ball skid forever and then I hear the opposite. I know surface is key to ball reaction but am curious. Can they be used in both assym and symmetrical??