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Author Topic: Vengeance  (Read 11470 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Vengeance is built for medium to dry lane conditions and can be laid out with any symmetrical core drilling. The ball is an excellent choice when the heads and mid lane dry as an alternative to stronger cover/core combinations.

The specifications are: Part Number:    60-103205; Color: Hunter Green Sparkle; Coverstock: Pro Traction Reactive; RG Max: 2.648; RG Min: 2.615; RG Diff: 0.033; RG Ave.: 6.6.



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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2001, 06:25:31 AM »
My PAP is 5 1/4 over and 3/8 up. Average speed and about average revolutions.

got this ball for next to nothing, so i thought id give it a try. Looking for something that would be a little straighter than my current balls. Well was i wrong-this ball hooks and in bunches


pin out 2"

pin to pap 5"

cg to pap 5"

this ball rolls very even and defintley gets down the lane. I altered the surface with different grit polishes and found that a 1500 grit definelt work the best.

I bowl on two different shots(wet/dry-synthetics and tapered flat wood) and it rolls very well on both.

on the wet dry-long as i dont bang the dry very eraly, it works great and carries just as well.

on the tapered, it rolls very well also and hits ok, but not as well as the wet dry.

i believe this ball does need some oil(atleast for the heavy handed)

overall grade  

8 out of 10


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2002, 03:12:30 PM »
Very Interesting!

The ball slot I'm looking to fill is for length with smoothness.
Good gosh I have everything else filled pretty well.

This ball is an interesting solution to the problem!  High rg,
medium low differential, and a strong coverstock(I think this is powerkoil 18 with mica).

This ball (which may be the last NIB 15 in America) has a pin out of only 3/4 of an inch and a top weight of 2.7 pre drill.

This ball accomplishes its goal.  Easy long length, and a smooth archy move that packs a punch at the backend.  This ball is truly a hidden jewel.
Drilled pin slightly down and under the ringfinger.  About 4 X 3 1/2.
Has a weighthole out about 6 inches from grip center.

The ball looks great going down the lanes, shows plenty of revs, in the midlane and punches!

A comparison on this fresher condition was I was standing 22-23 throwing straight up 9 and punching out a lot of strikes.  My Pro Zone Violet I was standing 26 throwing 12(the ideal ball on this medium condition).  Then with the super high recovery Demolition Zone I was standing 29 and throwing 15-16 to 8.

Great separation.

I compare this ball to the excellent Pulse Pearl from Columbia this ball with a flare (differential) of .33 vs the Pulse Pearl(differential on the 15 of only .16) will still turn if tugged into the oil and hit the head pin.  The Pulse Pearl has to find extreme dry for the medium handed to turn.  I found with the Pulse Pearl that on my house shot that a ball projected to 9 would strike all day.  A ball thrown to 12 at the breakpoint would slide and washout.  This higher flare ball will get a little grab and hit the head pin for at least a 9 count.

I'm anxious to try this ball on dryer to see if it continues to excell in its goal of length with arch.  (I think the high mica count will aid in this).

If reader's of this use 16, check ebay lots of these beauties available on the cheap!


I find this performance to be very similar to that which I've seen from the Monster Scream/r(eyes only).  Similar core(old (Pro Rhino core)) but the Monster Scream/r attacks the goal with a different approach, higher density core for lower rg, very similar differential, and a skiddier coverstock for length but coupled with early revs.  Almost like the comparison in the medium oil category between the Demolition Zone(higher rg) and the Raging Red Fuze(lower rg pearl).  The Demo and the Red Fuze almost the same exact conditions as each other in the med/heavy category, just as the Green Sparks vengeance and the Monster Scream/r cover the same lighter condition.  All 4 I think are best of breed!

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Rich Thompson

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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2002, 11:21:48 AM »
I picked one of these up really cheap on Ebay and what a suprise.  It rolls very even and turns the corner, but more of a urethane type flip than resin.  It makes a definite move but it is smooth and controllable which makes it carry the higher hits very well since the entry angle is less than todays resin.  I would compare it to a stronger version of the original Teal Rhino Pro which was a great ball in its time.  Mine is drilled up 3 3/8 X 4 with a little thumb weight.  I rate it a 10 out of 10 and the suprise of the year.


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2002, 02:17:10 PM »
I bought mine to off of Ebay. I so far I like this ball it is one of the first out of my bag. I have had this ball about 3 months now and have a bunch off nice sets with it and one my $300.00 with it @ a local Tourn. I have my drilled with the 3 3/8 away from my pop and I am able to play this ball down then lanes from from the 15 out to the 4 board if the lanes are right are I ama able to crank it up and stand 30 to 15 with it and smash the pocket. Easliy one of the best balls I have owned. I can play just about every type pattern with it with a bit of adjustment. For the price of the ball it can't be beat. It can be drill like any 2 piece reactive. I wonder about the guy underneath me are wonder about what type of drilling he had. I throw about 18mph and about 400 revs on the ball. I typically play this ball around 15-20 and run it straight up the boards with a great result. I do have a problem when the heads are drying out with this ball rolling out. Overall for medium to light heavy I give this ball a 10 out of 10


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2002, 02:03:14 PM »

Hey All.

     I have had the Vengeance for about 2-3 months now and have used it on many conditions.  The pin is in 1 1/2 inches and the ball came with a top weight over 4 ounces.  To make the ball legal my pro shop guy drilled a small balance hole.  The pin is an inch above and slightly off center of middle of my ring finger to the right (I'm a lefty) and the CG is stacked beneath it about 2 inches down and kicked out to the left.  

     First I'd like to say that I had recently gotten back into bowling about 5 months ago and I have become a regular at the local center here.  I practice as much as possible which usually ends up being 14 games or more a week.  Anyway I have been able to try this ball out on many types of conditions and when the condition is right this ball is a monster.  This ball obviously is not made for much oil and needs some dry somewhere on the lane to get this thing to hook/react/carry pins.  If you can find the dry this ball will carry very strong and will arc very smooth.  If there is ANY oil all the way up the lane until the pin deck all this ball will do is skid and not release any of its energy which will result in annoying spares or splits.  This was a good ball for me since it is the first ball I have purchased in over 8 years.  I learned to control it and it never overreacted or hooked wildly.  Yesterday at my local center I finally figured out the lanes.  There seems to be oil covering up the lane until the last 4-5 boards on eather side which are dry all the way until the pin deck.  I threw the ball straight up the boards outside of the first arrow on the left with medium revs and speed and semi-roller style angle.  The ball sped down the lane with ease and made a strong arc towards the pocket and blew apart the pins.  One thing I would love to mention is this ball's ability to carry the brooklyn shots 80% of the time.  I proceeded to shoot 4 or 5 games over 200 which is good for me, two of which were my highest scores, 236 and a 264.  I have been able to shoot games over 200 only if there is no oil in the backends or on the sides of the lane.  When there is dry this ball is golden.  I have been able to swing this ball as well, just slow down the speed and put tons of revs and make sure there are dry backends.  This ball is versatile and carries like a badass so do yourself a favor and get one cheap on Ebay.  

Take it easy -Will


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2002, 01:01:58 PM »
Follow up to my post below.  I took this ball back to my local center again yesterday and the lanes were oiled completely up to about 40 ft.  I didn't think my ball would work to well on those conditions...I was completely wrong.  My pro shop guy was there and he reccomended that I flatten out my axis rotation a bit and slow down my ball speed to slowly get some grip through the oil.  Turns out my next game I bowled 3 spares (3,6,7 conversion) and 9 strikes for a 269.  Next game I rolled 2 more consecutive strikes and a solid 7 (I'm a lefty) which would have been a 299...damn!  Well needless to say this ball can do anything up until you get to heavy oil.  By the way I got this thing for $22.51 beffore shipping off ebay and it retailed for over $200 and if I only leave 1 7 pin per 11 strikes I really think this ball is worth the money!  This ball seemed to hook even more on these oilier conditions than the dryer ones.

Take it easy


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2002, 11:47:56 AM »
As mentioned Ebay was flooded with these things. I was lucky to pick one up locally. I like to toss stuff nobody else seems to have (as long as it works), this ball is definately one of those. Don't think I've seen another, besides with the green sparkle, you can't miss it on the rack.

Had it drilled with a simple label shift, pin next to ring finger, cg in the middle somewhere. Shined to 3000. I have above average revs, not real good arm swing (I'm working on that), med speed. Book avg 209 in league shot.

I decided I toss something not too aggresive to cut some hook down. The Vengeance was a good choice, I can play 3 arrow out to about 10 for a real nice ball reaction, anything to far out, it still seems to come back but not real strong. Maybe a little too weak but I'd take that over the jump from stronger equipment that always seems to come up high on blocked alleys. Have an obscene amount of tug room left. The balls just sits in the oil right to the pocket. Shot 646, 671, last 2 series (didn't really throw well). Missed too many 10 pins, didn't leave all that many. The only concern was over 6 games I left 3 pocket 7-10 splits. Weren't your typical pocket 7-10 where the ball comes up way behind the head pin. The ball was just a little light.

Ball is definately not strong enough for heavy oil, but medium, and medium light league shot it suits my game well. I don't get into a whole lot of trouble with the ball because I can play a much more conservative shot, typically I play 4th arrow, out to 10 or so, With the Vengeance I can play more up the boards. It has an arcing motion and keeps me around the pocket.  



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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2002, 01:56:01 PM »
Like everyone else, I got this ball cheap of Ebay, so I thought I would give it a try.  I was looking for something to work on a wet/dry pattern at my local house.  Everything else in my bag was jumping too hard off the dry and going high.  Ball was 16 pounds with pin out 3 inches and 3 ounces of top weight.  I laid it out with the pin 1.5 inches from the PAP and the cg kicked back towards the center of the grip.  Large weight hole needed to bring it back to about 3/4 oz positive side weight.  This combination of ball and layout worked great.  First set out of the box was 722.  The ball starts a nice smooth roll in the midlane and then charges hard to the pocket and destroys the pins.  No over/under reactions off the dry and good carry.  Pins stay very low.  All in all, a very good ball for the money.


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Re: Vengeance
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2006, 07:34:48 PM »
first review ever so... hope this can be helpful

got this ball from ASB Joe, i was actually joking for the $20 bid, but well i won it and now is in my bag. I have already a purple RevolutionIST and it was my first reactive ball so no unfamiliar with this ball at all.

ball spec:

16lbs short pin, like 1-2, so couldnt really make a difference. pin below ring finger and cg middle of span, small x hole.

lanes: i think 20 yo guardian (will be replaced in few weeks), medium oil.

player type: 2 hand style, high rev and med speed. normally playing 20 to 5.

likes: i have to admit that my favorite color is green so this ball is just what i want. Aggresiveness, it will roll up and snap back to the pocket, very sharp angle and hits hard. Imagine that i could throw my agent and equation in the same way but they wont come back like this one. However, the purple RevIST can make it, but it hits w/o much energy.

dislikes: since it doesnt have many symbols on it, its harder for me to tell/predict what kind of angle it will enter to the dry section. its like throwing an aggresive ball in cosmic bowling. Because of this, i only use it when the lanes have fresh oil, when the lanes start breaking down, this ball goes to the bag together with the infinite one.

few times i have tried it on drier conditions with one hand (something that i have more consistency with) i could play from 15 to 6-7 and it will be a hard flip into the pins.
The weird thing is when i play with two hands, the ball doesnt flip at all, and the track goes thru the fingers.

anyway, this ball is great for the price, pretty angular and good hit
I go two-handed, and i hate stupid 10pins! cuz my 12lb spare ball hooks too much!