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Author Topic: 15lb Mutant Cell Fs/Ft  (Read 1065 times)


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15lb Mutant Cell Fs/Ft
« on: November 23, 2010, 07:45:09 AM »
I have a single drilled Mutant Cell Fs/Ft in amazing condition.Not sure of the amount of games.Found the ball on the ball rack and I just refinished it and the ball looks like it just came off the press.I have pics if anyone is interested I could send them to your email address.I would like to trade it for a 15lb Motiv Recon if anyone has an interest and if no trade then I would like to get maybe 40.00 for it for the time I spent resurfacing it back to box finish.Shipping included.Please let me know.I will keep this posted for only a couple of days and then it goes on Ebay.thanks everyone and have a great holiday.
Thought I had a couple of takers on this one but it looks like they lost interest.I will keep this posted for one more day and after that it''s off to Ebay.Please give this ball some consideration.It really is in nice shape.

Edited on 11/24/2010 4:21 PM



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Re: 15lb Mutant Cell Fs/Ft
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 09:18:50 AM »
do you still have this ball? 

you can email me at
My email address has no space the space is the underscore key...
latest 300 shot with arch rival yes!!
columbia is the best!