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Author Topic: Horzion and Horizon Pearl  (Read 2295 times)


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Horzion and Horizon Pearl
« on: October 02, 2007, 12:01:22 AM »
How do you guys like these two balls?  I have never thrown rotogrip, but heard great things and want to give them a shot.  I want a good 2 ball lineup would this be a good one.  Looking for 1 ball for medium to heavy med and one for medium.  I like to play down the boards with a nice backend move.  ANy help would be appreciated.



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Re: Horzion and Horizon Pearl
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2007, 08:05:01 AM »
i have the horizon pearl specs- 15 lbs 4 oz tw 1.5-2 inch pin; left handed drilled pin under bridge to the right near the middle finger i have my thumb pitched 1/8 to the right so i can stay in the ball a hair longer but the reaction on it is good goes long about 40 feet or so and flips and hits hard; keeps the pins low; but for my shot after about game and half i had to switch to my harder stuff you can move in and slow ur ball speed or you can stay outside up the boards with it and is a good ball recommended by Dp3 much appreciation to him.
yes i sandbag im left handed.
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