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Author Topic: Original Cell compared to the Virtual Gravity  (Read 858 times)


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Original Cell compared to the Virtual Gravity
« on: July 27, 2009, 01:14:55 PM »
Im intrested in getting a original Cell to Try.  I have had the virtual gravity just curious how it stacks up.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Original Cell compared to the Virtual Gravity
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 10:52:53 AM »
I haven't owned or thrown the Cell, but I've seen several. I do own a Virtual. From what I've seen, all things being equal, the Virtual will push longer and offer more recovery down lane than the Cell. The Cell will be apt to check up sooner and be more rolly through the back. I also feel it can handle a bit more oil than the Virtual, at least with the same drillings at box finish. For my money, the Cell is a better ball for playing longer, tighter patterns where you want firm control of the midlane and backend. The Virtual plays better when you have a little more room to open things up and get aggressive. Now, again, that's all things being equal. Surface changes and drilling can make the two closer or further apart in terms of reaction, but the above represents what I have found the natural tendencies to be for these two balls. They are both very good balls. It's just a matter of what reaction shape you are trying to achieve.
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