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Author Topic: WTB: Old Roto Grip (Blue Roto,Tra-ker,X-2,XR) 15lb  (Read 1015 times)


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WTB: Old Roto Grip (Blue Roto,Tra-ker,X-2,XR) 15lb
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:28:55 AM »
Looking for vintage Roto Grip plastic / rubber bowling balls in 15#.  Can be single drill but prefer decent condition (nothing with huge gauges like they were used as cannon balls).

Plastic: Blue Roto,Tra-ker
Rubber: X-2,X-R

Will buy outright, but I have Storm Lightning Flash(16#), Hammer Cherry Vibe(15#), Storm Tropical Storm (15#), and a Storm Trauma (16#) all single drill for trade also.



Revs: 375
MPH: 16.25
Axis Tilt: 1-1/8 - 15 degrees
PAP: 5 x 1/4
Track: Medium
Tweener / Cranker
All current equipment is 15lb.

League: 208