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Author Topic: Apocalypse  (Read 20815 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Apocalypsetm marks the end of average bowling! We've taken the best characteristics of the Cyclotron II tm core along with a totally new Rev-elationtm reactive coverstock giving you the ultimate performance on those medium oil patterns.

The Rev-elationtm coverstock combines the best properties of solid and pearl reactives. Our extensive testing has shown the strong mid-lane traction of a solid reactive combined with the sharp backend motion of a pearl reactive.

A new world of ball reaction awaits!


Factory Finish  1500 Polished  
Radius Of Gyration  2.54 (Medium)  
Differential  .055 (High)  
Lane Condition  Medium Oil  
Flare Potential  7+ Inches  
Length  14 On A Scale Of 1-20  
Backend  20+ On A Scale Of 1-20  
Coverstock  Rev-elationtm Reactive  
Available Weights  14-16 Lbs.  
Weight Block  Cyclotron Core IItm  
Color  Brimstone Black / Aurora Blue  
D-Scale  73-75  



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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2004, 02:27:30 PM »
Ball drilled with 5x5 with pin above ring finger.  Ball can be used on a wide variety of conditions as it is very receptive to surface changes.  If you need a ball to turn the corner with phenomenal hitting power, then this ball is for you.  Ball fits great with the rest of the Roto-Grip Fuel line and is must have.

Steve Richter

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2004, 03:27:45 PM »
I drilled my Apocalypse in a 4-1/2” stack with the MB 1-1/2” right of the thumb and a large balance hole through the CG on the VAL.

Seeing a few box finish Apoc's go a little long for this layout, I chose to scuff it with a scotch brite pad to read the lane a little sooner and not overshoot the breakpoint.  In this initial layout I easily had a 5-8 foot earlier read vs the box finish and because the ball read the lane sooner, it also smoothed out the backend reaction and took away some of the angularity.  If I could get matched up with this ball it was devastating however, getting to that wasn't easy.  I eventually felt it was drilled too strong for my rev rate and I found it was spinning out on me too frequently.  You know, open up enough to get it to the breakpoint and it didn't make the corner.  Square up and it seemed to read too soon and hook at 30 feet.

So, back to the pro shop to plug and redrill this ball with the CG-out to get it to still read the lane sooner and let the cover give me the pop at the breakpoint that I was missing.  I changed it to be a 5-1/2” pin to PAP (in the bridge) and the MB about 1” left of the VAL with a large balance hole 1” inside the VAL.

Back on the lanes this layout rolls through the carry down that I couldn’t get it to roll through before.  I believe I also increased the hit with this ball in this layout and dare I say it may hit too hard.  This is a nice problem though as I anticipate on our stiff 41’ Sport pattern with little backend this ball will allow me to soften my ball speed to make the corner and still hit with authority that I lacked with other manufacturer’s balls last year.

This is an interesting match up with core and cover stock and I have seen better results with the cover slightly scuffed or with a surface change to 600-grit with rubbing compound than in the box finish.  All the locals we have in this ball are very happy with the results so far and we’re looking forward to what the future brings us with this in our hands.  I personally am encouraged by the change since I redrilled it and hope to report on Monday that I won our Association match game tournament with it.

Thanks Roger making the best balls on the planet!

Steve Richter
Roto Grip Test Staff Member


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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2004, 12:03:21 AM »
Drilled with pin 5" from PAP.  CG 4" from PAP.

Ball goes through the fronts very easily and makes a sharper turn than any other ball I've thrown, sometimes too sharp for fresh house shots with strong back ends.  The answer to that is lightly scuffing the ball and then it reacted a little earlier and took care of that problem.  Ball works great when there is carry down on the back ends and you need a little help turning the corner.  Would be a great ball for someone needing that extra kick in the back end.  Those with strong hands may need to get pretty deep.


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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2004, 02:56:29 PM »
I just got this ball monday, and bowled with it tuesday and wednesday...tuesday night there is some kind of BS league before me, all they do is throw plastic balls, and push the oil there is a decent amount of carry down...under these conditions, the ball wasn't as strong in the backend as i was expecting...but it still hit like a mack truck...i shot 259-224-200-683...which is pretty good for the first time out...last night i used the ball for the second time...this league has fresh oil, but they don't strip the backend...the ball was better with less carry down...253-232(all strikes, and two 8-10's which i never see)-235-720...i can't wait to see it on striped backends...overall i give this ball a 9/10, with room to improve to a 10/10...this thing hits hard...i think the next ball i get will be the retro resurrection...i hope it hits like this ball...


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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2004, 07:05:07 PM »
I have just drilled this ball with a 3.5" pin. Pin under ring finger and mb kicked out 2.5" on the strong (about 3" from pap).  I use this layout to maximize the midlane read since this ball is polished.

I used it on a flood 44" with a taper from 7 to 2. Friction was available only on the first 3 boards. This ball would stand up when it finds friction. It has average revs down the lane but once it finds the friction it stands up a goes. It hits good.

This sounds like a skid/flip reaction but it is not. When it moves it moves smooth and I never felt like it was skidding out of control even in the 44 of 40 units. For a polished ball it really seems to be able to provide a good combination of reaction through the oil and yet move on the backend and hit strong.

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Michael W Walls

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2004, 08:00:20 PM »
Pin Out 2.5-3 Top weight 2.74.... I drilled this ball 5x4. The pin above the ring fringer and the MB in strong.. I am surprised at how smooth this ball is at break point.. It seems to find the pocket more often than not
Michael Walls
Roto Grip Test Staff
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Michael Walls
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rick stubbs

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2004, 09:56:47 PM »
WOW! great ball, drilled pin under ring finger,cg kicked out,balance hole, super ball down the lane, BIG snappy turn! This ball paired with the Resurrection is a fantastic combo!

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2004, 08:18:44 PM »
Ball: 4.5x 4, pin in the ring finger....kept with the factory finish

Lane Conditions: 44ft house shot, dry on the outsides.

Reaction: Strong transition from skid to HOOK. If you like to open up the lanes on a house shot that has dry outsides, get one of these. Good length, but the pearl/solid combo will allow this thing to be used on carrydown easily.

Hook: All of the hook comes in the backend of the lanes, but that is where the strength of this ball comes from. With mild oil handling abilities, it could be used on heavy oil for those with slower speeds. 8.5

Control: I know I said the reaction is skid---->hook, but it is so consistant at the breakpoint that once you get lined up with it you should not have a problem. On sport shot it plays really well right up the oil line. 8.5

Hit: The hardest hitting Roto Grip ball I have owned. Absolutely levels the pins. Carries strikes high, flush, brooklyn, long as it had enough drive off of a dry board. One shot I threw had the head pin bounce off of the left sidewall flew across in front of the 10 pin slid over to the 5 pin spot THEN rolled over and knocked down the 10. I never saw anything like it. 9.5

Readability: I am not sure this is where you want this ball to be. It will let you know when it gets to the drier boards or even to the buffed oil because it will start its move then. 7.5

Overall: Not the best Roto Grip ball I have owned, but it is not far behind the Rush. I would like to see this coverstock on an even stronger core. Roto Grip did it properly though....this ball should get alot of "play"---meaning can be used by many styles on many conditions. With a slight surface added to it this ball could be an oiler.

C-G Pro Shop
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2004, 02:35:32 PM »
Another awesome release from Roto Grip!  My Apocalypse has a 3" pin just to the right of the ring finger, with cg in the negative portion of the ball slightly outside the middle finger, and just northwest of the thumb.

This ball makes a superb transition at the break point, standing up and staring for a few feet, then turning toward the pocket and thrashing the pins.  The Apocalypse REALLY hits the pins well and throws them everywhere.  I have not found enough oil yet (summer time conditions) to try it out straight up the boards, but it works magnificantly as a swing and bring piece.

I imagine wet/dry conditions might not be ideal for this ball, but it works very well on pba or sport patterns that require you to bounce off the oil line a bit.  It generally will not blow through the breakpoint on those shots.  Also, it works great on carrydown!  I can usually just send it out a little sooner and it will make an earlier read and still thrash the pins

I loved the Silver Streak and the entire Fuel Line, but I gotta say this is my new favorite Roto Grip ball.

99% A

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Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2004, 11:47:55 AM »
I would like to start this review off with a quick comment on the customer service provided from Roto-Grip.  I call the company up on the phone and from the very first second, they were nothing but helpful and friendly.  After some discussion, I was recommended the Apocalypse and with some additional information was given some ideas on the best layouts for my style and needs.  This really impressed me that they would take the time to answer my questions and give suggestions.  100%!

I picked up a 15lb Apocalypse with a 3.5" pin and 2.8 oz top.  After speaking with Roto-Grip and deciding the reaction I wanted, I decided on a 4 X 2.5 layout with the pin under the ring finger and the mass bias between the strong and early roll positions.  This layout required a weight hole that was placed on my VAL, 2" below my PAP.  I was looking for a ball for medium-heavy to medium oil conditions that would give me a good mid-lane read, but still save up some energy for the backends.  I left the ball in box condition (1500 grit polished).  

I tested the ball on a fresh house shot, 40ft medium heavy (actually I believe it is 36ft pattern buffed to 39ft), synthetics.  On this pattern I lined up swinging the lane, 17 at the arrows out to around 8 at my breakpoint.  The ball shot the heads with little to no resistance, and continued through the mids without showing much sign of a mid lane read...  When it got to the backends, it was a different story...  I got a very strong move to the pocket.. overall a strong skid/flip type of reaction.  Normally I would be happy with this, but I was looking for a more even arcing type of reaction.  I had been warned previously by Roto-Grip that the 1500 grit polished surface may need to be altered in order to achieve the desired results.  And they were right on here...  makes sense as the ball surface has the greatest influence on overall reaction.  On a side note, I was able to carry very well from this line and with a small hand position change, I was able to square up and play more up the boards with great success as well.  

Anyway, in order to achieve the desired reaction, I took the ball back to the proshop for some spinner work.  I wet sanded the surface to 600 grit, and applied a light coat of Storm polish to bring back the shine.  Quite a drastic move from the "out of box" finish, but I needed more mid-lane reaction.

Back to the lanes to try it out again.  Over all, the ball became around 5 boards stronger (quite a large difference on this pattern).  This time the ball had a defined mid-lane read and a still surprisingly strong backend reaction.  The ball fit the bill exactly with what I wanted to achieve as far as reaction.  I am now able to use this ball on anything from heavier oil (squaring up) all the way through medium oil (swinging the lane).  The ball has plenty of recovery from inside angles and plenty of power to carry from the outside.  I seem to get lots of sweeping messengers from this ball.  Thus, hit and carry have been very good.  Overall this seems to be a very versatile ball, once matched up to the lane conditions.  I rate it very highly and would recommend this ball for just about anyone.  More hand and slower speeds can use this on anything from heavy to medium oil.  Higher speeds and less revs should stick to medium to medium-dry conditions.  Any questions, feel free to message me.


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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2005, 04:41:17 PM »

Intended to buy the Epic but the expert who drills my equipment recommended the Apocalypse because it had similar characteristics to the Pure Fuel.  Even though it had been discontinued by Roto Grip, I bought it anyway.  A wise purchase. He drilled it A ++ (specs I couldn't care less) - it comes out of my hand perfectly. Have increased my average almost 10 pins. Ball is forgiving - even if I miss my usual target a board or two right it comes back and gets the mix with a light hit.  

A friend of mine in league says it's "heavy" - does that mean it hits hard?  Who cares? Last night in league it hit like a 100 MPH Peterbilt going downhill.

Great ball, even if discontinued - you can probably pick up one cheap and you will not be disappointed.

The Epic will be next; I'm sure I will be as pleased with it as I have been with the Pure Fuel and Apocalypse.  

JG Bowler

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2006, 07:59:30 PM »
This is A ball that I would say is a high proformance ball. I have my ball drilled to hook out of the house. In my terms I say its a T-R-U-C-K
A-Town's Finest

The SuperHitMan

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Re: Apocalypse
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2006, 11:43:09 PM »
The END is near as they say...(some humor there) I thought this ball did a whole lot of nothing until I took a look at what the ball wanted to do and then things got interesting (thank you James Cobb). It has a hard arc off of the spot as it easily gets through the heads and it trashes the rack. It makes the pins scream "the end is near" and thats not a bad thing to hear. Needless to say it carries well and I like it. My second RG ball and I must say that its not bad at all.

Janeen Hall: Congratulations Baby.

Tommy B: I'm proud of you.....

Mike Hall: I yelled the last shot in there....

K.C. White II: And I did it My Way Hooking the lane with a high-end piece, an Epic Battle.  Take that Mr. Slater...I did it my way I got what I came for.

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