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Author Topic: Clone  (Read 10800 times)


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« on: August 30, 2023, 12:47:44 PM »
The CLONE, a remarkable bowling ball that embodies the essence of duplication, imitation, and refined performance. After the unfortunate abduction of its predecessor, we took it upon ourselves to "clone" the ball, incorporating several upgrades and performance-enhancing tweaks that we are confident you will appreciate. One of the notable advancements is our Optimized Traction Technology. Drawing upon years of meticulous testing and research, we have developed a coverstock chemistry that ensures a well-balanced displacement and absorption of oil throughout the entire lane. This revolutionary approach creates enhanced consistency and predictability, shot after shot, in terms of skid distance, midlane traction, and response to friction down the lane. To achieve an extraordinary motion that is truly out of this world, we have also fine-tuned the Cloned E.T. Core. By modifying the density of the proven E.T. Core, we have created a perfect complement to our other asymmetrical cores in the lineup. The result is a dynamic core that boasts a lower RG and a higher differential, rendering it even more powerful than its predecessor. Prepare to experience the next level of performance with the CLONE. Its exceptional features and refined design will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on your bowling game.

Color: Alien / Deep Mist / Cyber Grape
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: OptiTrax Solid Reactive
Core: CLONED E.T. Core (14-16#)
Finish: Reacta Gloss
RG: 2.51 (for 15# ball)
Differential: 0.056 (for 15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition: Medium/Medium-Heavy Oil
Hook Potential: High
Length: Middle



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Re: Clone
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2023, 04:09:40 PM »
Roto Grip Clone
Layout: 55 x 4 ½ x 35

When I heard that the Clone was going to be a polished solid, I got excited because the last high-end polished solid that Roto Grip had was the Eternal Cell, which is one of my favorite balls of all time. Luckily, the Clone lives up to the lofty standards! It has more overall hook and more backend motion than I remember the Eternal Cell having, but it is overall still very reminiscent of that ball. Even though it is a solid, it is very clean through the heads due to the polish, but it has a strong down-lane kick that I will call a “strong arc; it is not flippy, but it is not excessively smooth, either. This reaction is not made for fresh, but can easily be the 2nd or 3rd ball in the bag and cover anything from medium-heavy to medium-light conditions.

Mike LeViner

PJ Haggerty

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Re: Clone
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2023, 12:47:56 PM »
Roto Grip Clone Ball Review by PJ Haggerty

The Roto Grip Clone is the newest addition to the HP4 line and it’s a perfect addition to the line.  With having so much success with the UFO Alert a few years ago, it only makes sense that the Clone would be a perfect replacement.  My initial reaction after drilling it was “this is a revamped UFO Alert and will be in my bag at almost all times”.  So far, that’s been true.  Seeing several types of surfaces, patterns, and crossing with different styles, the Clone has been a staple in my bag.

The Clone is very similar to the UFO Alert except for a few minor tweaks.  The core was adjusted a small amount which lowered the RG and increased differential.  This just gives the Clone “more” of everything.  More flare, hook, and power.  It’s been a perfect compliment to my DNA, Exotic Gem, and Tour Dynamix.  I’ve drilled one so far and really like it.  I put the pin under my bridge, shifted the CG, and kicked the mass bias a decent amount.  The numbers come out as 5 x 3.5 x 55.  The surface has been left alone but I’ve had the most success when the pattern blends and I need a ball to still read the front of the lane, but not be extremely quick. 

Because the RG and differential are strong, I could see several types of players having success with the Clone.  Another great addition to arsenals came out of Utah.

Go drill one!


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Re: Clone
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2023, 08:43:26 PM »
Seems contradictory but thats what i had it at. A little cleaner than my reality and gem, but still solid so it dug in the oil really well and wasnt very hard off the spot, even with the reacta gloss finish it comes with. When i hit it with some surface is when this ball truly shined. It stored a little more energy than the big asym solids, so when my reality or gem started to flat 10, the clone still kept going and carried. Still fit that spot in the bag so if you were taking 6 or 9, you probably wouldnt take both clone and reality/gem, but it was good if you wanted a tiny bit cleaner option than those two.
Two hander, 450 revs, 50x5x50 layout, bowls house shots and PBA regionals

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Roto Grip The Clone review by Ethan Fiore
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2023, 07:24:32 PM »
Lane Condition
Length: 40
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

The Clone from Roto Grip was intended to be a remake of the UFO Alert but, it has passed its expectations. The Clone ET core and Optitrax cover is a great combo for a lot of down lane hook but once you get left, it becomes very tame and easy to keep in play. All around good ball!

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Bowler Stats
Ethan Fiore
⭐PBA Member⭐Roto Grip Staff⭐CoolWick Staff⭐Tournament Director⭐
Right 2 Handed
Rev Rate: 500
Speed: 17.5
PAP: 4 1/8 up 7/8


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Roto Grip Clone
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2023, 08:36:33 PM »
 The new ball in the RG HP4 line is the Clone.  The Clone is kind of the replacement of the UFO Alert.  I drilled mine standard pin up 4.5 x 5 x 2 layout. I also took a 1000 abralon pad and added Step 2 to the cover.   I have bowled with the clone on a couple sport patterns and house.  The Clone is a polished solid and with a strong asymmetrical core.  For me the Clone is controllable and pretty good on the sport patterns.  It allowed me to keep the ball in play and on line for the most part. The backend reaction is a smooth arcing motion for me. Think a stronger TNT roll, or a cleaner more tip down lane than a Exotic Gem.  For the house shot it was just okay for me and my roll, it didn't give me a lot of miss room as you normally have on a house shot.  For my game it is kind a of niche ball, when it matches up its real good and when it doesn't there is just better choices for me.  For the sport patterns, it was a good ball to go to when the reality's and gem's start to bog down a little.
But is definately stronger than say a Phaze II or Summit.  I can see the guys that play a little straighter through the fronts really like the Clone.
Good Addition to the RG line!

Emerson Lanes
Brunswick Pro Anvil Lanes

Brian Watson
 PAP  3 7/8 up 1 1/4
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 RPM  - 400

Storm Pro Shop Staff
« Last Edit: November 15, 2023, 10:29:23 PM by StormRoto »


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Re: Clone
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2023, 08:23:35 PM »
Roto Grip Clone
Coverstock: OptiTrax Solid Reactive
Finish: Reacta Gloss
Core: Cloned E.T. Core
RG: 2.51, Diff: 0.056, PSA: 0.016 (15 lb.)
VLS Layout: 4 x 4-3/8 x 2
Dual Angle Layout: 50 x 4 x 35
PAP: 5 3/16” right x 5/8” up
Rev rate: 400 rpm
Average speed: 16.5 mph
Location: Prairie Lanes, Sun Prairie WI
Pattern: Medium volume THS

The Roto Grip Clone takes the E.T. Core found in the UFO and UFO Alert and tweaks it slightly to create a stronger version that provide little more midlane roll. It also features the new OptiTrax solid reactive coverstock that comes polished from the factory with the Reacta Gloss finish, which helps keeps the ball clean up front with a continuous backend motion.  All told, the design intent for the Clone was to create versatile ball with a consistent and predictable motion from shot-to-shot.

Fresh out of the box and off the drill press, the Clone has easy length thanks to the shiny Reacta Gloss polish finish, and it’s certainly retains energy to be strong off friction. However, as is often the case (at least for me), the factory-polished finish tended to make the Clone a bit too over/under for my liking. So, I scuffed the surface with an older 2000-grit Abralon pad just to knock some of the shine off and get a few scratches in the cover – doing this brought the Clone to life! Removing some of the polish better allowed the cover and core to work together. The Clone was still clean on the front part of the lane, but with a light scuff it read the midlane much better and provided a strong and continuous backend reaction. Misses in the oil squared up to the pocked much better to help carry the pesky corner pins, and misses out didn’t jerk off the friction as hard.

I see the Roto Grip Clone being a great option after the Gem or Magic Gem, and provides a little more shape on the backend compared to the Exotic Gem. The Clone will be a great option as the lanes start to go through transition because the clean cover will help keep it from reading too early and the strong core will help the ball pick up and read the midlane. The Clone will be a great ball for league bowlers and deserves a spot in the bag for competitive players as well.

Chris Pollentier
Storm Pro Shop Staff


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Roto Grip Clone by Casey Murphy
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2023, 09:02:03 AM »
Orientation:  Right Handed
Rev Rate:  400 RPM
Speed:  16-17 MPH
PAP:  4 ½ over and ½ up

Location:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO
Pattern:  High Volume THS
VLS Layout: 
Layout 1:  5 x 4 x 2 ½  (pin above bridge)
Layout 2:  4 ½ x 4 x 4 1/8 (pin below bridge)

The Clone is a new HP4 asym from Roto Grip.  They modified the UFO Alert core and added a new straight reactive cover.  The result is a ball that’s earlier and rounder than the Alert.  I was surprised when it was announced as a solid but after throwing it I really really like it.  The straight reactive cover doesn’t read the fronts as much as some of the stronger asyms we have so I feel like I can use it on more volume levels and for longer.  The core doesn’t super read either either but it does hook quite a bit in the back part of the lane.  I would put the clone on the bottom end of our asym lineup in terms of strength in the front part of the lane but overall hook it definitely ranks towards the top with the added bonus of not reading too early!


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Re: Clone
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2023, 01:46:27 PM »
The Clone is the upgrade we've been needing! The UFO Alert provided a unique shape that was clean and quick but overall pretty rounded. The Clone took heavy inspiration from that. However, it isn't just a reboot. The Clone features a brand new coverstock formula, this time in a solid version. The result is a noticeable step up in cover strength from the UFO Alert, and the modified density of the core provides a clean and stable shape. While the Clone is distinctly mid-RG in that is doesn't wind up and want to hook as soon as it sees friction, the cover and core work well to create traction and store energy. This is the strongest angular asym we've had in the line in awhile, and a surprising improvement on a shape that was a fan favorite.


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Re: Clone
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2023, 12:53:15 AM »

Length: 42 ft

Volume: 25 ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Layout: 5 x 4 x 2
PAP: 5 1/8 x 7/8 Up
Rev Rate: 315
Axis Tilt: 27 degrees
Axis Rotation: 45 degrees

The Clone features the ET core made famous in the UFO and UFO Alert with some slight modifications to lower the RG and raise the differential.  I was expecting a hybrid version to clone the Alert, but was surprised to see it released as a polished solid. 
I’ve found that to be versatile and usable a lot longer during league than most asymmetrical solids that go back in the bag in the middle to end of game 1.



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Re: Clone
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2023, 11:16:21 AM »
Roto Grip Clone Ball Review

Bowler Stats:
Speed: 15.5 MPH
Rev Rate: 275 RPM
Tilt: 3-5 degrees
Axis Rotation: 60 degrees
PAP: 5 ⅜ over 1 ¼ up

Layout: 41/2 X 43/4 X13/4 VLS

The UFO and UFO Alert were both in my arsenal at one time and with the release of the Clone I was looking for a ball that was similar in shape to the original smooth and controllable UFO. I drilled this ball stronger than my normal VLS layouts to use on the PBA 50 Tour. Even with the 41/2 inch pin placement and the solid cover on the Clone it is very smooth through the heads and has an arcing motion off the end of the pattern.

On the house shot this layout gave me a lot of over/under due to the wet/dry conditions of my league. When I moved left into the oil the ball was too clean and not responsive enough off the dry to get to the pocket but when I played more in the dry it was too early and forward. I removed the reacta gloss polish with a 1000 abralon by hand and this helped with how clean this ball was through the heads but made it too slow of a reaction down lane when the ball began to read the dry.

Pete Dohan
Storm Bowling Amateur Staff


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Roto Grip Clone - Under Rated / Best Ball Out
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2023, 07:22:18 PM »
About Me
900 Global Staff
Left Handed: High Rev High Speed Player
Pap: - 47/8   +1
Rev Rate: +-500
Speed 17-18mph

Layout: 4 X 4 X 1

Ball Video:

The Roto Grip Clone almost didn't make it into my bag because I did not like how the UFO's rolled for me. I was a little skeptical on having the same core in this ball but with new cover stock and the Clone being a polished solid I decided to give it a try. BREAKING NEWS - I LOVE IT. This ball is the best of both worlds for me. The Clone has the smoothness of a solid but the length of a polished ball. The backend on this ball is a perfect mixture of the a smooth controllable finish and the sharp backend of a polish. The clone gets off the spot quick but then flips into a more end over end continuous drive through the pocket. This ball packs a punch as well. Please take a look at the video and see for yourself. Glad I got this one it is a good filler piece for me between the Gem and my lower end stuff. I had a huge gap in my bag and this filled it.

Side note: I usually don't put so many shots in my ball videos but I started out with the front 8 strikes when I was filming this. Through the 9th one a little wide and slow and went through the face.

Joel Donner
900 Global Staff Member
Cedar Rapids, IA



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Re: Clone
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2023, 10:57:21 AM »
The new Roto Grip Clone features a reimagined E.T. Core wrapped in the OptiTrax solid reactive coverstock.  The 15-pound version features an RG of 2.51 with a differential of .056 and an intermediate differential of .016.  Drilled at 5x4x2 which puts the pin above my middle finger, the Clone for me fit right in between the original UFO and UFO Alert in terms of total hook.  The new Clone which is finished with Reacta Gloss starts up about 2 to 3 feet later than the original UFO, but about a foot or two sooner than the Alert.  With the increased density of the Clone’s weight block, the Clone reads the midlane much better than the Alert and provides a more angular backend than the original.  This ball is best suited for medium to heavy volumes, although the Reacta shine finish may not be responsive enough to start with on the heavier volumes.  IF you were a fan of either the UFO or UFO Alert, you will easily find a spot in your bag for the new Clone.


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RotoGrip Clone
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2023, 12:36:52 AM »


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS


Likes:I never got the chance to drill up a RotoGrip UFO or UFO Alert so when RotoGrip announce that they were going to release an updated version of them, I was very excited.  I decided to go with a 4x4x2 layout so that I could use it once the stronger cover balls like the Gem or DNA were too early but the polished coverstock would go through the front of the lane.  My first few shots on the my typical 44ft house shot the ball was very clean and really popped off the backend.  This had me a little worried since I wasn't planning on trying to hook the lane with this ball.  After a game or two, the Clone started to mellow out some and became much smoother on the backend. The Clone has become a very good transition ball when I need something to get through the fronts but still have enough of a motor to get through the pins.  i would recommend this ball for tournament players, and someone looking for a ball that conditions dictate you to use a stronger core.         
