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Author Topic: Def Con I  (Read 10668 times)


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Def Con I
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The specifications of
the Def Con I are: Factory finish: sanded 1000-matte; Radius of Gyration:
2.500 (Low); Differential: .075 (Very High); Hook Potential: 20 on a scale
of 1-20; Track Flare Potential: 9+ inches; Length: 5 on a scale of 1-10;
Backend: 10 on a scale of 1-10; Cover stock: Sure Grip(tm) with traction
particles: Weight Block: High density cylinder with "flip" block; Color:
Charcoal black; D-Scale: 73-75; Available Weights: 14-16 lbs


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Def Con I
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2001, 11:56:02 AM »
I drilled both Def Con balls up last night, with 1 1/2" shift, stacked. This is a leverage drilling for me. I left the balls out of the box and threw them on second shift, with a lot of oil in the middles and light carry down.

I threw both the Def Con 1 and 2 in practice, but there was too much oil for the Def Con 2 (pearl), so I started out with the first 7 and shot 700+ for the night.

With the drilling that I used, I was seeing 5 to 6" of flare on the ball.

This ball was a nice arcing ball, with great hit and power on the deck. One thing I did notice was this ball doesn't suck up oil like the rest. The oil stays on the outside of the shell.

This is a strong follow up to the original SD-73 and the SD-73 Pearl. The new Def Con's will help get Roto-Grip more fans in the next couple of months.

On a Scale of 1-10, I would give this ball an 7. This ball will fit into anyones game and give you something with control. Don't be afraid to put this in your bag.  This will not outhook a lot of todays high particle load balls.  If you hit a lot of oil with this ball it will sail.  More of a medium condition ball.

If you have any questions, please email me at
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