Right Handed
Ball weight: 15
Rev Rate: 378
Ball Speed: 18.2
Axis Tilt: 7
Axis Rotation: 45*
PAP: 3 3/4 horizontal, 7/8 up
Layout: 70 x 3 1/2 x 75 P3 Hole
As the Menace is a ball up for my Crux Pearl, the Devour is to be a ball down.
I’m not sure it really fits that description.
I’ve only got a few games on the Devour and it’s quite a bit stronger than I had anticipated. I’ve used it on our house pattern with some success, but I was standing 35, and sending it to the gutter, just to stay right of the head pin. I did some moving around trying to find the best look for the pocket, but it was just so strong. At the box finish, it would glide through the fronts and make a nasty move as soon as it encounters friction. I was able to get through the game before I had to put it away.
Before its next outing, I applied Storm Step 1 compound, hoping to weaken it just a bit. Oh, but no, the step 2 just did exactly what shine is supposed to, it made the ball even sharper than before. I was trying this on Kegel Turnpike pattern and it was just too much. Unless it was on target at 40 foot, it was no good. If I missed right at all, it was a 0 for the first ball (that happened twice in 4 baker games…), if I missed left, it was just dead left. Now, this isn’t a problem with the ball, this is a problem with the idiot trying to use the wrong ball on a difficult pattern.
I really need to get more games on the Devour and will be knocking that shine off before the next time it travels down the lane. I will probably hit it with a white or gray pad, just to get it to read a bit earlier and smoothen it out.
The Devour is a good ball and it will be a great addition to my bags, but I will need to work with it to determine exactly where it fits.