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Author Topic: Epic Quest  (Read 15361 times)


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Epic Quest
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available

Coverstock: Ultimate Vision Solid Particle
Weight Block:Maximus
Ball Color:Purple / Navy / Forest All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Ball Finish:1000 Abralon
Hook Potential: 7 +(Medium-High) on a scale of 1-10 Low-High
RG Differential: 0.050 (High Flare) on a scale of .000-.080 Low Flare-High Flare
RG Average: 2.52 (Medium-Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.80 Very Low-High Break Point
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil
Description: Roto Grip introduces A Brand New wonder into the world, The Epic Quest.â„¢ Continuing the legacy of power, the Questâ„¢ utilizes the Maximusâ„¢ Core - one of the strongest medium/low RG asymmetrical shapes since 2005. Endowed with our Ultimate Visionâ„¢ Coverstock for supreme grip and consistent performance through medium to high volume oil patterns, we feel confident in saying; "Your search has finally ended!"



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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2007, 02:50:57 AM »
Epic Quest
What a addition The journey continues with the introduction of the Epic Quest
 Since the inception of Epic Odyssey line in 2004
Roto Grip has been on the an roll with  there High Performance Asymmetrical technology with the Maximus core
Endowed with our Ultimate Vision Cover stock for
Designed for Medium to Heavy oil with out effect with carry-down
Strong mid-lane read and strong move to the pocket
All these tale are true
I feel this will be a welcome addition to Roto Grip line of Equipments
I feel confident in saying (TRY IT YOU’LL LIKE IT)

 Cover stock Comparison
Epic Odyssey vs. the Epic Quest
Almost to close to call
One of the strongest medium/low RG asymmetrical shapes  cores
Ultimate Vision Cover stock for supreme grip and consistent performance
with enhanced traction .

Your Pick is what’s count because the number compromise each other,
You Drilling choices will leave you satisfied,
 To those who fear  Particle (DON”T) technology  has made leaps and bound in this field
 Is a difference monster to day try an Quest you’ll be surprised

Roto Grip Cover stock Maintenance

All reactive cover stocks should be cleaned on a regular basis (every 6-10 games).
Suggested Cleaner: Storm's "Reacta Clean"

All Particle cover stocks should be cleaned on a regular basis (every 3-6 games).
Suggested Cleaner: Storm's "Mega Bite Cleaner


Buddies Pro Shop Staff
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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2007, 07:55:34 PM »
Roto Grip
Epic Quest
High end low load particle

Designed for medium to heavy oil.  I would stress look for oil as the coverstock is super aggressive.  This ball is so sticky the first ball I threw while warming up actually stopped half way down the lane.  The porter had to get a spatula to pry it off the lane.  Then when I tried to wipe the oil from the track, the towel stuck to it.  (I'm not kidding)  However before you panic, The Ultimate Vision coverstock is easily adjustable and the ball calms down after a couple of games.  Strong rolling ball as with all the Epic line.  Really impressed with the hitting power, noticeable difference with off pocket hits carrying corner pins.  My Quest was power.  Feel free to add your own Quest for... analogy.

Kelly O'Driscoll
Roto Grip Staff


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2007, 02:20:46 PM »
The Epic Quest, what can I say, this ball HOOKS. I drilled my Quest,  5 x 4  1 3/4 above the midline, with a hole directly on my axis. Once this ball starts it doesn't stop. I've got about 12 games on the ball now, and all I can say is WOW. I started using this ball the 3rd week of one league, and I've had to move about 15 boards left from anything else I was using. I've actually had to make the weight hole bigger twice now just to tame down the backend. So far, I can tell that this is a good combination of core and coverstock. The original Epic core with this particle cover is amazing. I think this will be the ball that I grab out of my bag first all of the time.


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 04:38:54 AM »
I won mine in the online giveaway and all I can say is WOW! I've never had a whole lot of luck with solid particles in the past, they usually roll up to early and burnup for me. This new Quest with its high RG and great conver clears the heads like no solid I've ever seen and the pop on the backend is very continous with very few carry problems. This thing kicks out corner pins like no ones business. Although this ball does clear the heads very well you have to know when to put this ball away or else you WILL start pinging 10's because of burn up. I was so close to an 8 last night, came out the shoot with a 266(pocket 4-9 should have been 300), 268( 2 stone 8's) then I didnt head my own advice and put it away so I pinged 10 pins for a nice clean 203( what a letdown ) 737. This is an another AWESOME ball by our friends at Roto-Grip. BTW mine was layed out pin above and slightly to the right of ring, 4 1/2 away from PAP. MB just below and to the right of my thumb. Condition used on was 40' buffed house shot on Brunswick ProAnvils.


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 09:09:09 PM »
Drilled one of these for my friend the other day and he used it last night on our old house shot of 38" Top Hat so I didn't think there is enough oil for it to shine but he used it 2 games.  Drilled it 4" from PAP, RG on his VAL about 3" down from his PAP (His is 5" over and 0 up/down).  He first threw about a game with it on broken down lanes right out of the box and it didn't work at all.  It burned up too early and didn't have anything left for the pins which is what the review in Bowling This Month said.  And personally, the higher end RGs lately, SD 73, Odyssey, Quest, don't work very good out of the box.  The oil seems to sit on the cover and not absorb into the ball.  So we usually take them to the spinner and hit them with 1000 grit abralon to take the box finish off and them they really come to life.  Once he was on the fresh, the Quest really shined.  He could swing it from 15 to the gutter and it would storm back every time with the heaviest roll I've ever scene to date from RG.  Keeps the pins nice and low and doesn't leave a lot of corner pins.  But once the carrydown was there, he started to struggle with carry so he put it away and finished the night with his polished Odyssey.  Just from now, I can see this being a much stronger heavy oil ball then the Battle and a great replacement.  He wants to see what it would do on the Shark pattern but will try it on our new wider house shot next Wednesday.  From first impressions, this looks to be a winner.



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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2007, 09:51:56 PM »
This is my first review as a Roto Grip Staff Member.  Please let me know if there is anything else I need to include to make this more beneficial in your quest for knowledge.

Drilled pin in palm, mb 45 degrees- balance hole below mb.

Initial thought before I drilled this ball was, "This ball is going to hook."
After I punched the holes and threw the ball, nothing had changed.  This ball really does hook....a ton.  

THS(43 ft, top hat):  approach: 35 R, mark at arrows: 18 L, Breakpoint 10.
Ball gave me an incredible look if I kept it inside.  Not a very skid/snap reaction, but a strong midlane move.  Seems to need alot of oil to keep the  ball reaction and good pin carry.

Scorpion: approach 20, mark 10 L, breakpoint 5.  Still had a strong arcing midlane roll but was able to play the out of bounds area created in our local PBA Experience League.  Compared to my Odyssey reaction, I had a lot more confidence in the hitting power of this ball, and didn't have to give away the pocket on adjustments.
James McCarter
The Bowlers Solution INC
Roto-Grip Staff Member


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2007, 04:58:14 PM »
I drilled my Quest with the pin at 4” above the fingers cg 4 ½  from my axis and the mass bias is in the strong position.  I already have a pin low Battle and an Odyssey for heavy early (WKRP reference) and a pin high 4x4 Odyssey for  average conditions so I put the pin higher hoping that it would fit in between the heavy and the medium oil equipment.

Success!!! I used it box finish on a wet version of the PBA Scorpion and Chameleon conditions.  The Quest is clean through the fronts easy revving in the midlane and heavy on the back. A very controllable reaction…  The best part is that I did not have to switch balls when the lanes changed.  The ball responded well to moving my feet and hand position changes.  I believe that is due to the coverstock material. This ball reads evenly it is not snappy by any means.

I was next to bowl on a much dryer version of the Scorpion pattern so I took the cover to 2000 abralon and put on some light polish.  Not only does the ball look great polished it rolled very well.  The cover change allowed me to match up to the point where my look was very similar to the wetter version of Scorpion.  I took the ball back to box for the start of this season and I doing very well on Chameleon again.

THS – 41ft blended pattern I had to move in a bit to pick up enough oil get the ball controllably to the break point.  Once I did it rolled nicely.  Strong off of the spot the hitting power is strong and consistent.

Compared to the Battle the Quest is smoother, longer and with a later and less angular shape.  Compared to the Odyssey the Quest is again smoother, earlier rolling but less angular.  I am finding that it fits well due to the fact that you don’t always want a ball that dives in the back.  I am also very much liking the fact that I can stay with and read the lanes with this ball much longer

 I will be interested in seeing what a pin low layout does in this ball.

Mike Sinek
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
Kingdom member for life
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip / Storm Staff Manager
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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2007, 10:41:57 AM »
Initially I drilled mine with  a  5 1/2" pin, above my middle finger. I found this layout went too far down the lane with the ball never having a chance to read the pattern.  After re-drilling with a 60 degree Mass Bias, pin 4 3/4" above my ring finger, the ball roll and reaction on the back was more even and much stronger.

I would recommend using either a 75 degree, 60 degree, or 45 degree mass bias. Unless you have a real strong hand, I would not place the pin any further than 5" from the PAP.

Overall, I found the Quest to hit a stronger than the Battle and to be cleaner through the front part of the lane. The Quest was definately stronger than the Odyssey but with a little less length down the lane using the same type layout than the Odyssey.

Depending on the surface you use, the Quest can be fine tuned for just about any condition, including the shorter PBA patterns, as long as there is oil up front.

I really liked the Battle over the Odyssey, and feel the Quest is a good compliment to both my Battles.

Senor RotoGrip

John Brodersen

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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2007, 01:25:19 AM »
Ball specs – 15 lbs 2 oz, 2.86 top weight, 2.5 inch pin.

The Quest was punched 4” X 42 degrees; this placed the pin below the ring finger by ½ inch and the pre-marked mass bias on the VAL.  A 29/32  balance hole was drilled on the PAP to leave an ending positive side weight of 7/8.  The cover was left in OOB (1000) condition.

I was looking for a ball and drill to use on a fresh, heavier pattern with good back ends.  When I first rolled the Quest it displayed a little lope (original Maximus core with a higher RG value than the Max II) and had a quick mid-lane read (higher particle load of 2 %) with a smooth, continuous arc.  The ball seemed a little flat but hit and carried well when it hit the pocket.
Adjustment time.  I drilled a bigger, deeper balance hole, which reduced the positive side weight to 1/8.  The cover was adjusted to 2000 abralon.  This seemed to help with reducing the lope, gave a little later mid-lane read and provided a little stronger continuous arc.  Closer to what I was looking for.

The cover on the Quest is very strong and reads early even with the Maximus I core, so look for some oil up front or a longer pattern.  Stronger layouts than what I used should get the ball around the corner better.  The Quest is a larger hooker (early, smooth, arc) with great hit and carry.

John Brodersen


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2007, 02:54:50 AM »
Roto-Grip Epic Quest
See our video at:

Likes: Very smooth and even rolling ball. Revs early and doesn't stop through the pin deck. Can be used on a variety of conditions and performs superbly on carry down.
Dislikes: Out of the box this ball is for heavier oil conditions but if you take it to 2000 or 4000 abralon and shine it, you can use it on shots with less oil.

The Epic Quest we recieved was a 15 pounder with a pin of 3.5" and a top weight of 3 ounces. We had been hearing a lot of good things about this ball so we decided to put a pretty aggressive drill on it to see what it had. If you would like to see the exact layout see the video on our website.

Out of the box the Epic Quest comes with a 1000 grit abaralon finish. When we took it out to the lanes we were impressed by the overall reaction of this ball. It revs up right off your hand but glides through the heads with ease. In the midlane it starts to pick up and makes a smooth and predicatable read heading into the backend. At this point is when a lot of balls we have tested have lost most of their energy and couldn't make the good hard turn, but not the Quest. It seemed to kick into another gear and turn the corner with authority. Even when we used it on a shot with considerable carrydown, the Quest had no trouble making it to the hole. The Quest seemed to carry off hits very well and when you hit the hole solid its pretty much total devastation.

We also wanted to see what this ball would do if we took the surface down and polished it up. After some debate we settled on a 2000 grit abralon surface with a good polishing. This gave us much more length and a much sharper breakpoint. It let us use it on conditions with less oil than the factory finish would allow. It still retained the midlane read and finish we liked but allowed for more length through the heads.

Overall the Roto-Grip Epic Quest would be a great piece of equipment to pick up foralmost any bowler. The versatility of the coverstock allows you to tweek the surface to get the reaction you are looking for. If you like a ball that is smooth and predictable but has enough energy left to make the turn on heavier oil conditions then I would not hesitate to pick up one of these.



MoRich LevRG
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And Many More!

Thanks for taking time to read my review!

Joseph K. Smith
Owner of Average Joe's Pro Sop

Average Joe's Pro Shop is a full service bowling pro shop located in Louisville, KY.  Please visit our site!  Thanks


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2007, 05:10:51 AM »
time to post a real review about this ball.i used it last night and all i can say is WOW!this ball is incredible.whether i swung the ball out to the 5 board or played inside the ball was money.i opened the night with a 280 the first game.started leaving ten pins the second game so after the 3rd frame i switched to my fury pearl and went off the sheet with that for a nice 254 game.the third game i started leaving the ten pin with the fury pearl and switched back to the quest after the second frame and bang,shot a nice 256 for a nice 790 series.if i had pulled the tape out of my ball sooner i wouldn't have left the 1,3,6 in the 8th frame and i would have had my first 800 series but all in all very happy with the performance of this ball.this ball is very strong and very was the best $48.00 i ever spent on a new ball.this ball comes dull so i put some beans secret sauce and that stuff is incredible.gave me the lenght i needed and the ball held the lane beautifully.if you can get one of these little gems you won't be disappointed.


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2007, 09:26:46 PM »
I'm left handed and a speed dominant player(20-22mph) with medium revs.  The pin was placed about 3" just off my index finger.  I played the 4 5 and 6 board all night and shot a 636 out of the box.  The ball reved early was consisient and had a nice smooth back end.  I really like this ball.  It's alot like my Storm Passion with just a little more bite.  A really nice find.


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2008, 02:56:15 AM »
Weight: 15 lbs.
Pin to CG: 3" CG is out of line with MB about 3/4" to the right.
Surface: 2000 matte

My PAP is 5" over and about 1/2 inch up. 4" pin, next to ring ringer. 70 degree mass bias, RG below and to the right of thumb hole about 1".  balance hole on VAL 1" down from PAP.

I'm a right handed stroker, med revs and med-low speed. I'm a bit of a novice.

The ball went too long with the pin over the bridge and the ball seemed unimpressive. Re-drilled for more flare and now it's awesome.

 This ball gets outstanding length for a solid particle and the Maximus I core helps it save energy for the breakpoint. The particle load helps blend the transition from oil to dry and so this ball is very predictable for how hard it can snap.

On med-heavy to heavy conditions I play it from the 20 to 15 at the arrows and it reads the midlane early but the breakpoint is really in the back. It's sort of like "arc-then-snap" which gives it fantastic carry and entry-angle. On a medium house shot I can play deeper and stand at the 30 board and bounce it off the dry boards, or play straighter and not have to worry about finding the dry as this ball can hook in oil.

Compared with my Odyssey this ball is later and a bit less angular but often has better carry.  Overall it is more controllable. Sometimes the Odyssey has a tendency to use too much energy making the turn or the opposite it shoots left and goes way through the nose.
Compared to the Epic Saga, this ball outhooks the Saga but doesn't bounce so abruptly off of friction. My Quest when well polished has a very similar look to the Saga though.

The Quest is a well thought-out ball and is an oft-overlooked gem in the Roto Grip line.

Roto Grip! AWESOME


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Re: Epic Quest
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2008, 10:32:50 AM »
Epic Quest Layout:
PAP: 5 1/3"
Pin: 2 1/2 to 3"
Layout: Pin next to ring finger, 4" from PAP. MB 1" from thumbhole and 5 1/2" from PAP. Weight hole drilled 2 1/2" below VAL.
Surface: 1000 Abralon dull.

This ball is everything that was stated on all the reviews and more! In a house that puts out alot of oil and not enough clean backends, this ball is simply awesome in so many ways. It does need oil to get down the lanes and with the particle coverstock, it provides alot of traction on the more heavier oil on a 39ft. or longer patterns. I like to play down and in with this ball at the start of league play going down the 8 or 10 board. It starts revving up midlane but the reaction is very smooth and extremely consistent at the pocket. I also get the same type of reaction playing it from the 12-15 board to the 5 board at breakpoint. Don't have enough words to describe the carry, it just knock down all ten no matter if it comes short or brooklyn. I might leave a solid 8 or 9 pin every once in awhile from a good pocket shot but no big deal. Even on harder tournament conditions, this ball is just as good on that as throwing it on THS. One thing that is a must is that after every set it needs a good cleaning to keep the cover in top shape. I use Powerhouse Energizer after every use and Clean 'N Dull every 2-3 weeks but I'm also going to try the Black Magic cleaners to see if it's any different from the other stuff.

To compare it with a few of my recent past solid balls I've had before it's much earlier and stronger down midlane than the Secret Agent. It's almost as smooth as the Mean Machine but more of an strong arc than skid/flip that the MM has. I would say that it's also very similiar to my former partner-in-crime EPX-T1 but the EPX handled a tad earlier and carry pins like crazy.

This was my first time trying a Roto-Grip ball and I have to say it's got me wanting to buy another one from them. I wish that I could have bought this ball earlier in the bowling season after I gave away my EPX-T1 but at least it's got me looking forward to using this ball and another Roto next season.

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